Friday, January 29, 2021

भगवान कार्तिकेय की पूजा*Subrahmanya, known as Guru Kartikeya

 भगवान कार्तिकेय की पूजा*Subrahmanya, known as Guru Kartikeya.



श्री गुरु कार्ततके य स्तुित

- Translated by P.R.Kannan

(This stotra emerged from Sri Charanagiri Swamiji of ‘Taponidhi Akhada Sri Niranjan’ on

13.01.1960 on Pousha pournima day.)


1. िनराकाराकारं भवभयहरं सुन्दरवरं

सुराणां दातारं ददितसुतभयाद्रक्षणं परम्।

मनुष्याणां हतुुंिनरलस सदा तापिििवधात्

सदा सुब्रह्मण्यंभज सुमनसा कार्ततक गुरुम्॥


Worship always with devoted mind Subrahmanya, known as Guru Kartikeya, who is essentially

formless, who robs the fear of samsara (cycle of births and deaths), who is the most

handsome, who offered supreme protection to Devas from the fear of Asuras (sons of Diti),

and who always removes the three types of misery of humans fervently.

The three types of human miseries (Tapatraya) are: Adidaivic- from natural occurrences like

floods; Adibhoutic- from other living beings; Adhyatmic- from one’s own mind.


2. िनराभासो देवो भवित च सदोद्भासनपरः

सुभक्तानां शुद्धे हृदयिववरे िनत्य सरले ।

ऄहोरािः तस्मात् िवषयिवभवात् शिक्तरिहतः

सदा सुब्रह्मण्यंभज सुमनसा कार्ततक गुरुम् ॥


Subrahmanya cannot be visualized with the fleshy eyes. He is the Deva, who ever shines with

supreme brilliance in the pure heart-cavity of good and straightforward devotees. Hence

detach yourself day and night from mundane glories, which rob you of power, and worship

always with devoted mind Subrahmanya, known as Guru Kartikeya.


3. न सा ऋिद्धः िसिद्धः सुखयित िवना शिक्तिनचयः

यतः शक्तो दैत्यो वशयित सुरान् वीययरिहतान् ।

ऄतो देवाः िललष्ाः शरणं-उपयान्त्येव बिलनं

सदा सुब्रह्मण्यं भज सुमनसा कार्ततक गुरुम् ॥


The powerful Asura tormented the Devas devoid of strength, whom the prosperity and powers

(of Swarga) could not delight in the absence of energy. The tormented Devas took refuge in

Subrahmanya, the strong force. Worship always with devoted mind Subrahmanya, known as

Guru Kartikeya.


4. कलौ काले दुष्े किलमलगते भीित परमे

सदा तप्ता लोका िनरितशय दुःखैः पररवृताः ।

बलं वीयुं िवद्यामितरिप च शिक्तः सहभुवं

सदा सुब्रह्मण्यं भज सुमनसा कार्ततक गुरुम् ॥


In this wicked, impurity-ridden and supremely fearful Kali yuga, the worlds are always roasted

in unsurpassed miseries. Worship always with devoted mind Subrahmanya, known as Guru

Kartikeya, the very form of strength, valour, knowledge, intellect and power.


5. गुणे ज्येष्ठः श्रेष्ठािप सकल सुशास्त्रः सुिवददतः

ऄतः सेनाध्यक्षो भवित सुरकल्याण-मनसा ।

स अचायो भूत्वा िनरविध-सुसंपालयतु नः

सदा सुब्रह्मण्यं भज सुमनसा कार्ततक गुरुम् ॥


Subrahmanya is the best among Devas in merit as well as mastery of Sastras; hence he

became the commander-in-chief of Devas with a mind of benediction. May he be the Acharya

of all of us and protect us in all ways. Worship always with devoted mind Subrahmanya, known

as Guru Kartikeya.


6. महात्यागी ज्ञानी िशवसुतनयो िनत्य िवरजो

जगद्रक्षाकामो बहुिवधप्रयासे प्रयतवान् ।

ऄलक्षोऽज्ञानः सन् िचरवसित लोकेऽिवददतवत्

सदा सुब्रह्मण्यं भज सुमनसा कार्ततक गुरुम् ॥


Subrahmanya is a great renouncer and wise master; he is the coveted son of Siva and is ever

free from impurity. He is engaged in many kinds of efforts with the desire of protecting the

world. He is ever present in this world, but unseen and unknown to the ignorant and wicked

people. Hence worship always with devoted mind Subrahmanya, known as Guru Kartikeya.


7. वयं िशष्या: सवे तपिस िनरताः शुद्धहृदयाः

परं मोहग्रस्ता ऄिवददततया सारग्रहणे ।

ऄतोऽस्माकं श्रेयः कु रुत सदयो यिछिवमयः

सदा सुब्रह्मण्यं भज सुमनसा कार्ततक गुरुम् ॥


Subrahmanya, we are all your disciples and we are engaged in penance with pure hearts. But

we are deluded owing to lack of discrimination in absorbing the right essence. Hence o

embodiment of auspiciousness! kindly do what is in our best interest with compassion.

Worship always with devoted mind Subrahmanya, known as Guru Kartikeya.


8. न िवद्या- संयुक्ता न च गुण गररम्णािप सिहताः

यथा बालो मूढो िवकलवचसा वेदयित वै ।

वयं तादृक् मुग्धा िवगिलत हृदा याम शरणं

महात्मानं वन्दे ििभुवनपतत कार्ततक गुरुम् ॥


We do not possess knowledge, or weighty qualities. Just as the ignorant child expresses his

wish in imperfect words, we, the ignorant people, take refuge in you with broken heart and

worship you, Guru Kartikeya, the lord of three worlds.


9. िनराकाराखण्डो िनिधसम तपस नांजनयुतः

स यत सभ्योऽस्यासीत् चरणिगररनाम्ना पररिचतः ।

यथा योग्यं स्तोिं िवगिलतिमदं तस्य हृदयात्

सदापाठे िनष्ो िवमलमितयुक्तः प्रभवित ॥


This stotra has emerged from the heart of one, who is known as Charanagiri, member of

‘Taponidhi Akhada Sri Niranjan’ (assembly of persons, whose complete wealth is austerity and

who are free from blemish). The intellect of one, who chants this stotra always, is purified.


"िशवमस्तु सवेषां सवयि च"

May all be blessed with auspiciousness always at all places.

Paush Purnima


January 2021

Thursday / गुरूवार

Kartikeya (Sanskrit: कार्त्तिकेय, Kārttikeya), also known as Skanda, Kumara, Murugan and Subrahmanya, is the Hindu god of war. He is the son of Parvati and Shiva, brother of Ganesha, and a god whose life story has many versions in Hinduism. An important deity in the Indian subcontinent since ancient times, Kartikeya is particularly popular and predominantly worshipped in South India, Sri Lanka and Malaysia as Murugan.


Kartikeya is an ancient god, traceable to the Vedic era. Archaeological evidence from 1st-century CE and earlier, where he is found with Hindu god Agni (fire), suggest that he was a significant deity in early Hinduism. He is found in many medieval temples all over India, such as at the Ellora Caves and Elephanta Caves.


The iconography of Kartikeya varies significantly; he is typically represented as an ever-youthful man, riding or near an Indian Peacock, dressed with weapons sometimes with a rooster in the flag he holds. Most icons show him with one head, but some show him with six heads reflecting the legend surrounding his birth. He grows up quickly into a philosopher-warrior, destroys evil in the form of demon Taraka, teaches the pursuit of ethical life and the theology of Shaiva Siddhanta. He has inspired many poet-saints, such as Arunagirinathar.

Kartikeya is found as a primary deity in temples wherever communities of the Tamil people live worldwide, particularly in Tamil Nadu state of India, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa and Réunion. Three of the six richest and busiest temples in Tamil Nadu are dedicated to him.The Kataragama temple dedicated to him in Sri Lanka attracts Tamils, Sinhalese people and the Vedda people. He is also found in other parts of India, sometimes as Skanda, but in a secondary role along with Ganesha, Parvati and Shiva.

Skanda is derived from skanḍr-, which means "leaper or attacker". In Kalidasa’s epic poem Kumarasambhava (“The Birth of the War God”; 5th century CE), as in most versions of the story, the gods wished for Skanda to be born in order to destroy the demon Taraka, who had been granted a boon that he could be killed only by a son of Shiva. They sent Parvati to induce Shiva to marry her. Shiva, however, was lost in meditation and was not attracted to Parvati until he was struck by an arrow from the bow of Kama, the god of love, whom he immediately burned to ashes. After many years of abstinence, Shiva’s seed was so strong that the gods, fearing the result, sent Agni, the god of fire, to interrupt Shiva’s amorous play with Parvati. Agni received the seed and dropped it into the Ganges, where Skanda was born.

Kartikeya means "of the Krittikas".This epithet is also linked to his birth. After he appears on the banks of the River Ganges, he is seen by the six of the seven brightest stars cluster in the night sky called Krittikas in Hindu texts (called Pleiades in Greek texts). These six mothers all want to take care of him and nurse baby Kartikeya. Kartikeya ends the argument by growing five more heads to have a total of six heads so he can look at all six mothers, and let them each nurse one.The six Krittikas are Śiva, Sambhūti, Prīti, Sannati, Anasūya and Kṣamā.

In Hindu astrology, Kṛttikā is the third of the 27 nakṣatras. It is ruled by Sun. Under the traditional Hindu principle of naming individuals according to their Ascendant/Lagna nakṣatra, the following Sanskrit syllables correspond with this nakṣatra, and would belong at the beginning of the first name of an individual born under it: A (अ), I (ई), U (उ) and E (ए).

The chapter 7 of the Chandogya Upanishad (~800–600 BCE) equates Sanat-Kumara (eternal son) and Skanda, as he teaches sage Narada to discover his own Atman (soul, self) as a means to the ultimate knowledge, true peace and liberation.


The Tolkāppiyam, one of the most ancient texts of the Tamil literature, mentions cēyōṉ "the red one", who is identified with Murugan, whose name is literally Murukaṉ "the youth"; the other gods referred to in the Tolkāppiyam are Māyōṉ "the dark one" (identified with Vishnu), Vēntaṉ "the sovereign" (identified with Indra) and Korravai "the victorious" (identified with Kali) and Varunan "the sea god".


 Extant Sangam literature works, dated between the third century BCE and the fifth century CE glorified Murugan, "the red god seated on the blue peacock, who is ever young and resplendent," as "the favoured god of the Tamils."


Korravai is often identified as the mother of Murugan.


In the Tirumurukāṟtruuppaṭai, he is called Muruku and described as a god of beauty and youth, with phrases such as "his body glows like the sun rising from the emerald sea". It describes him with six faces each with a function, twelve arms, his victory over evil, and the temples dedicated to him in the hilly regions.


Kartikeya Temple GwaliorLord Kartikeya temple opens only on Kartik Purnima

जीवाजीगंज मार्ग हनुमान चौराहे के पास स्थित भगवान कार्तिकेय  मंदिर

मध्य प्रदेश के ग्वालियर में देवों के सेनापति माने जाने भगवान कार्तिकेय का ऐसा अनोखा मंदिर है जिसके साल में एक ही बार पट खुलते हैं और वो दिन कार्तिक पूर्णिमा का दिन है.


सुबह चार बजे कार्तिकेय मंदिर के पट भक्तों के दर्शन के लिए खुले. सुबह से ही भक्तों का तांता लगना शुरु हो गया. करीब 400 साल पुराना यह देश का इकलौता मंदिर है, जहां कार्तिकेय के साथ गंगा-यमुना-सरस्वती की त्रिवेणी मूर्ति स्थापित की गई है.


दरअसल, ग्वालियर के जीवाजीगंज में स्थित यह देश का इकलौता मंदिर है, जहां कार्तिकेय स्वामी की प्रतिमा स्थापित है. भगवान कार्तिकेय का मंदिर वर्ष में एक बार कार्तिक पूर्णिमा को ही खुलता है. भगवान कार्तिकेय के साथ इस मंदिर में हनुमान जी, गंगा, जमुना, सरस्वती और लक्ष्मीनारायण आदि मंदिर हैं, इन सभी मंदिरों में तो प्रतिदिन दर्शन होते हैं.

मान्यता के अनुसार, भगवान शिव और माता पार्वती ने अपने दोनों पुत्रों गणेश और कार्तिकेय के बीच एक प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन किया। उन्होंने अपने दोनों पुत्रो के सामने शर्त रखी की जो तीनों लोकों की परिक्रमा कर सबसे पहले हमारे पास आएगा, वह विजेता और योग्य समझा जायेगा। प्रतियोगिता प्रारम्भ होने के बाद भगवान कार्तिकेय अपने वाहन मयूर पर सवार हो तीनो लोकों की परिक्रमा पर चले गए। वहीँ दूसरी ओर भगवान गणेश ने अपने माता-पिता शिव-पार्वती की परिक्रमा करने लगे। क्योंकि उनमें तीनों लोक समाहित होते हैं।भगवान गणेश की इस बुद्धिमत्ता को देखते हुए शिव -पार्वती सहित सभी देवताओं ने उन्हें विजेता मान लिया। उन्हें आशीर्वाद दे दिया कि उनकी पूजा सभी देवी देवताओं से पहले होगी। कार्तिकेय जब वापिस लौटे तो वह गणेश जी की इस प्रकार जीत देख नाराज हो गए। वह क्रोधित होकर एक गुफा में बंद हो गए। उन्होंने सभी महिला और पुरुष को श्राप दे दिया। जो महिला उनके दर्शन करेगी वह विधवा हो जाएगी,एवं जो पुरुष दर्शन करेंगे वह 7 जन्म नरक में जाएंगे। कार्तिकेय को इस तरह क्रोधित देख भगवान शिव ने उन्हें समझाया एवं क्रोध शांत किया। जब कार्तिकेय का क्रोध शांत हुआ तो उन्होंने वरदान दिया की भगवान कार्तिकेय के जन्मदिन के अवसर पर कार्तिक पूर्णिमा के दिन भक्त उनके दर्शन कर सकेंगे। इसलिए साल में एक दिन इस मंदिर के पट दर्शन के लिए खुलते है।

कार्तिकेय को प्रसन्न करने के लिए :-

हरे मुरूगा हरे मुरूगा शिवा कुमारा हरो हरा

हरे कंधा हारे कंधा हारे कंधा हरो हरा

हरे षण्मुखा हारे षण्मुखा हारे षणमुखा हरो हरा

हरे वेला हरे वेला हारे वेला हरो हरा

हरे मुरूगा हरे मुरूगा ऊं मुरूगा हरो हरा


प्रमुख मंत्र

1. ॐ श्री स्कन्दाय नमः

2. ॐ शरवण भवाय नमः

3. ॐ श्री सुब्रमण्यम स्वामीने नमः

4. ॐ श्री स्कन्दाय नमः

5.  ॐ श्री षष्ठी वल्ली युक्त कार्तिकेय स्वामीने नमः


भगवान कार्तिकेय के मंत्र :-

शत्रुओं के नाश के लिए

ऊं शारवाना-भावाया नमः

ज्ञानशक्तिधरा स्कंदा वल्लीईकल्याणा सुंदरा

देवसेना मनः काँता कार्तिकेया नामोस्तुते

ऊं सुब्रहमणयाया नमः


सफलता प्राप्ति के लिए :-

आरमुखा ओम मुरूगा

वेल वेल मुरूगा मुरूगा

वा वा मुरूगा मुरूगा

वादी वेल अज़्गा मुरूगा

अदियार एलाया मुरूगा

अज़्गा मुरूगा वरूवाई

वादी वेलुधने वरूवाई


कष्टों का नाश करने के लिए :-

ओम तत्पुरुषाय विधमहे:

महा सैन्या धीमहि

तन्नो स्कन्दा प्रचोद्यात:

ये हैं विशेषताएं :-

- षण्मुख, द्विभुज, शक्तिघर, मयूरासीन देवसेनापति कुमार कार्तिक की आराधना दक्षिण भारत में बहुत प्रचलित हैं ये ब्रह्मपुत्री देवसेना-षष्टी देवी के पति होने के कारण सन्तान प्राप्ति की कामना से तो पूजे ही जाते हैं, इनको नैष्ठिक रूप से आराध्य मानने वाला सम्प्रदाय भी है।

- तारकासुर के अत्याचार से पीड़ित देवताओं पर प्रसन्न होकर भगवान शंकर ने पार्वती जी का पाणिग्रहण किया। भगवान शंकर भोले बाबा ठहरे। उमा के प्रेम में वे एकान्तनिष्ठ हो गये। अग्निदेव सुरकार्य का स्मरण कराने वहाँ उज्ज्वल कपोत वेश से पहुँचे। उन अमोघ वीर्य का रेतस धारण कौन करे भूमि, अग्नि, गंगादेवी सब क्रमश: उसे धारण करने में असमर्थ रहीं। अन्त में शरवण (कास-वन) में वह निक्षिप्त होकर तेजोमय बालक बना। कृत्तिकाओं ने उसे अपना पुत्र बनाना चाहा। बालक ने छ: मुख धारण कर छहों कृत्तिकाओं का स्तनपान किया। उसी से षण्मुख कार्तिकेय हुआ वह शम्भुपुत्र। देवताओं ने अपना सेनापतित्व उन्हें प्रदान किया। तारकासुर उनके हाथों मारा गया।

- स्कन्द पुराण के मूल उपदेष्टा कुमार कार्तिकेय (स्कन्द) ही हैं। समस्त भारतीय तीर्थों का उसमें माहात्म्य आ गया है। पुराणों में यह सबसे विशाल है।

- स्वामी कार्तिकेय सेनाधिप हैं। सैन्यशक्ति की प्रतिष्ठा, विजय, व्यवस्था, अनुशासन इनकी कृपा से सम्पन्न होता है। ये इस शक्ति के अधिदेव हैं। धनुर्वेद पद इनकी एक संहिता का नाम मिलता है, पर ग्रन्थ प्राप्य नहीं है।



भगवान् कार्तिकेय के नाम :-

1. कार्तिकेय

2. महासेन

3. शरजन्मा

4. षडानन

5. पार्वतीनन्दन

6. स्कन्द

7. सेनानी

8. अग्निभू

9. गुह

10. बाहुलेय

11. तारकजित्

12. विशाख

13. शिखिवाहन

14. शक्तिश्वर

15. कुमार

16. क्रौञ्चदारण


कार्तिकेय और मयूर

कार्तिकेय का वाहन है मयूर। एक कथा के अनुसार यह वाहन उनको भगवान विष्णु से भेंट में मिला था। भगवान विष्णु ने कार्तिकेय की साधक क्षमताओं को देखकर उन्हें यह वाहन दिया था, जिसका सांकेतिक अर्थ था कि अपने चंचल मन रूपी मयूर को कार्तिकेय ने साध लिया है। वहीं एक अन्य कथा में इसे दंभ के नाशक के तौर पर कार्तिकेय के साथ बताया गया है।


कार्तिकेय प्रज्ञाविवर्धन स्तोत्र

योगीश्वरो महासेनः कार्तिकेयोऽग्निनंदनः ।

स्कंदः कुमारः सेनानीः स्वामी शंकरसंभवः ॥१॥

गांगेयस्ताम्रचूडश्च ब्रह्मचारी शिखिध्वजः ।

तारकारिरुमापुत्रः क्रौंचारिश्च षडाननः ॥२॥

शब्दब्रह्मसमुद्रश्च सिद्धः सारस्वतो गुहः ।

सनत्कुमारो भगवान् भोगमोक्षफलप्रदः ॥३॥

शरजन्मा गणाधीश पूर्वजो मुक्तिमार्गकृत् ।

सर्वागमप्रणेता च वांच्छितार्थप्रदर्शनः ॥४॥

अष्टाविंशतिनामानि मदीयानीति यः पठेत् ।

प्रत्यूषं श्रद्धया युक्तो मूको वाचस्पतिर्भवेत् ॥५॥

महामंत्रमयानीति मम नामानुकीर्तनम् ।

महाप्रज्ञामवाप्नोति नात्र कार्या विचारणा ॥६॥

इति श्रीरुद्रयामले प्रज्ञाविवर्धनाख्यं

श्रीमत्कार्तिकेयस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ॥७॥

My 28 Names For Intelligence Wisdom * Lord Subrahmanya Muruga


Skanda worship is very important in the Vedas.

While organizing the innumerable Deities mentioned in the Vedas and those followed by misinterpretations of the Vedas, Adi Shankaracharya gave the pride of place in the Shanmathas, the six systems of worship, The Kaumaram.

The Tamils speak of Lord Subrahmanya, best among Brahmins, as Murugan, embodiment of Beauty; and the Tamil Language represents Lord Muruga in all his aspects.

Innumerable Hymns abound in Sanskrit,Tamil and other Regional languages of India.

Lord Subrahmanya is called as Karthikeya in India other than Tamil Nadu where he is worshiped as Murugan.

A rare stotra of Lord Kathikeya where Lord Subrahmanya Himself mentions His Twenty Eight Names, where he declares that these names would grant one Intelligence and Wisdom, among other things.

Kartikeya Pragya Vivardhana Stotra.

 Kartikeya Pragya Vivardhana Stotram - In sanskrit with meaning


कार्तिकेय प्रज्ञाविवर्धन स्तोत्र

Kartikeya Pragya Vivardhana Stotram

योगीश्वरो महासेनः कार्तिकेयोऽग्निनंदनः ।

स्कंदः कुमारः सेनानीः स्वामी शंकरसंभवः ॥१॥

Yogiishvaro Mahaa-Senah Kaartikeyo[a-Aa]gni-Nandanah |

Skandah Kumaarah Senaaniih Svaamii Shankara-Sambhavah ||1||



1.1: (Salutations to Sri Kartikeya) Who is a Master Yogi, Who is known as Mahasena when referred to as the Son of Agni Deva and Who is known as Kartikeya when referred to as the son of the six Kritikas,

1.2: Who is known as Skanda when referred to as son of Devi Parvati, Who is known as Kumara when referred to as son of Devi Ganga, Who is the Leader of the Army of Devas, Who is our Master and Who is Born of Lord Shankara.


गांगेयस्ताम्रचूडश्च ब्रह्मचारी शिखिध्वजः ।

तारकारिरुमापुत्रः क्रौंचारिश्च षडाननः ॥२॥

Gaangeyas-Taamra-Cuuddashca Brahmacaarii Shikhi-Dhvajah |

Taaraka-Arir-Umaa-Putrah Krauncaa-Rishca Ssaddaananah ||2||



2.1: (Salutations to Sri Kartikeya) Who is Loved by Mother Ganga and His Follower Tamrachuda, Who is Celebate and has Peacock as His Emblem,

2.2: Who is the Enemy of Tarakasura and Krauncasura, Who is the Son of Devi Uma and has Six Faces.


शब्दब्रह्मसमुद्रश्च सिद्धः सारस्वतो गुहः ।

सनत्कुमारो भगवान् भोगमोक्षफलप्रदः ॥३॥

Shabdabrahmasamudrashca Siddhah Saarasvato Guhah |

Sanatkumaaro Bhagavaan Bhogamokssaphalapradah ||3||



3.1: (Salutations to Sri Kartikeya) Who is Accomplished in the Knowlege of the Ocean of Sabda-Brahman, Who is Eloquent in describing the Great Spiritual Secrets of the Sabda-Brahman and hence aptly known as Guha when referred to as the Son of Lord Shiva (who is the embodiment of Sabda-Brahman),

3.2: Who is Always Youthful and Pure like Sanatkumara, Who is Divine and Who Grants both the Fruits for Worldly Enjoyment (due to meritorious deeds) and final Liberation.


शरजन्मा गणाधीश पूर्वजो मुक्तिमार्गकृत् ।

सर्वागमप्रणेता च वांच्छितार्थप्रदर्शनः ॥४॥

Sharajanmaa Gannaadhiisha Puurvajo Muktimaargakrt |

Sarvaagamaprannetaa Ca Vaancchitaarthapradarshanah ||4||



4.1: (Salutations to Sri Kartikeya) Who was Born on Shara, a particular variety of grass and hence known as Saravana, Whose Elder is Sri Ganesha and Who has Created (i.e. Shown) the Path of Liberation,

4.2: Who is Reverentially Saluted by All the Agamas (Scriptures) And Who Shows the Way towards the Desired Object of Spiritual Life (as mentioned in the Scriptures).


अष्टाविंशतिनामानि मदीयानीति यः पठेत् ।

प्रत्यूषं श्रद्धया युक्तो मूको वाचस्पतिर्भवेत् ॥५॥

Assttaavimshatinaamaani Madiiyaaniiti Yah Patthet |

Pratyuussam Shraddhayaa Yukto Muuko Vaacaspatirbhavet ||5||



5.1: My Devotees who Repeat My Twenty Eight Names and Contemplate on My Spiritual Precepts ...

5.2: Everyday in the Early Morning with Faith and Devotion, will Become a Master of Speech even if he is Dumb (due to lack of wisdom).


महामंत्रमयानीति मम नामानुकीर्तनम् ।

महाप्रज्ञामवाप्नोति नात्र कार्या विचारणा ॥६॥

Mahaamantramayaaniiti Mama Naamaanukiirtanam |

Mahaaprajnyaamavaapnoti Naatra Kaaryaa Vicaarannaa ||6||



6.1: My Spiritual Precepts and Devotional Repetition of My Names will act like Maha Mantra,

6.2: Also Devotee will Obtain Great Wisdom and Intelligence by Contemplating on My Divine Leela (Play).


इति श्रीरुद्रयामले प्रज्ञाविवर्धनाख्यं

श्रीमत्कार्तिकेयस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ॥७॥

Iti Shrii-Rudrayaamale Prajnyaa-Vivardhan-Aakhyam

Shriimat-Kaartikeya-Stotram Sampuurnnam ||7||



7.1: Thus Ends the Description which Augments the Intelligence and Wisdom from the Rudra Yamala text,

7.2: Thus Ends the Eulogy of the Illustrious Sri Kartikeya.


स्कन्द षष्ठी व्रत के दिन,_Tiruchendur



ज्योतिष शास्त्र के अनुसार भगवान कार्तिकेय षष्ठी तिथि और मंगल ग्रह के स्वामी हैं तथा दक्षिण दिशा में उनका निवास स्थान है। इसीलिए जिन जातकों की कुंडली में कर्क राशि अर्थात् नीच का मंगल होता है, उन्हें मंगल को मजबूत करने तथा मंगल के शुभ फल पाने के लिए इस दिन भगवान कार्तिकेय का व्रत करना चाहिए। क्योंकि स्कंद षष्ठी भगवान कार्तिकेय को प्रिय होने के आज जातकों को इस दिन व्रत अवश्य करना चाहिए। कार्तिकेय को चम्पा के फूल पसंद होने के कारण ही इस दिन को स्कंद षष्‍ठी के अलावा चंपा षष्ठी भी कहते हैं।


पौराणिक मान्यता के अनुसार कार्तिकेय अपने माता-पिता और छोटे भाई श्रीगणेश से नाराज होकर कैलाश पर्वत छोड़कर मल्लिकार्जुन (शिव जी के ज्योतिर्लिंग) आ गए थे और कार्तिकेय ने स्कंद षष्ठी को ही दैत्य तारकासुर का वध किया था तथा इसी तिथि को कार्तिकेय देवताओं की सेना के सेनापति बने थे।


भगवान कार्तिकेय का वाहन मोर है। ज्ञात हो कि स्कंदपुराण कार्तिकेय को ही समर्पित है। स्कंदपुराण में ऋषि विश्वामित्र द्वारा रचित कार्तिकेय 108 नामों का भी उल्लेख हैं। इस दिन निम्न मंत्र से कार्तिकेय का पूजन करने का विधान है। खासकर दक्षिण भारत में इस दिन भगवान कार्तिकेय के मंदिर के दर्शन करना बहुत शुभ माना गया है। चम्पा षष्ठी का त्योहार दक्षिण भारत, कर्नाटक, महाराष्ट्र आदि में प्रमुखता से मनाया जाता है।


पूजन विधि :

* स्कंद षष्ठी के दिन व्रतधारी व्यक्तियों को दक्षिण दिशा की तरफ मुंह करके भगवान कार्तिकेय का पूजन करना चाहिए।


* पूजन में घी, दही, जल और पुष्प से अर्घ्य प्रदान करना चाहिए।


* रात्रि में भूमि पर शयन करना चाहिए।


भगवान कार्तिकेय की पूजा का मंत्र -


'देव सेनापते स्कंद कार्तिकेय भवोद्भव।

कुमार गुह गांगेय शक्तिहस्त नमोस्तु ते॥'


इसके अलावा स्कंद षष्ठी एवं चम्पा षष्ठी के दिन भगवान कार्तिकेय के इन मंत्रों का जाप भी किया जाना चाहिए।


कार्तिकेय गायत्री मंत्र- 'ॐ तत्पुरुषाय विधमहे: महा सैन्या धीमहि तन्नो स्कंदा प्रचोदयात'। यह मंत्र हर प्रकार के दुख एवं कष्टों के नाश के लिए प्रभावशाली है।


शत्रु नाश के लिए पढ़ें ये मंत्र- 

ॐ शारवाना-भावाया नम:

ज्ञानशक्तिधरा स्कंदा वल्लीईकल्याणा सुंदरा

देवसेना मन: कांता कार्तिकेया नामोस्तुते।


इस तरह से भगवान कार्तिकेय का पूजन-अर्चन करने से जीवन के सभी कष्‍टों से मुक्ति मिलती है।

Sage Viswamitra recited the following Ashtottara Namavali (108 names) about Skanda Deva on the most significant day of Kartika Pournami of which Kartikaya is fond of:


(1)Brahmavaadi (Profounder of Parama Tatvas) 
(2) Brahma (Creator and the Reciter of Vedas) 
(3) Brahma Vid (The Exponent and Interpreter of Brahma Gyan) 
(4) Brahma Vatsala (The beloved of Lord Brahma)
(5) Brahmanya ( Brahmana Bhakta) 
(6) Brahmadeva
(7)Brahmad ( The Donor of Brahma Gyan) 
(8) Brahma Sangrah (The absorber of Vedardha or the Para Brahma’s reality) 
(9) Sarvotkrushta Parama Teja (The Highest of All of Super Luminosity) 
(10) Mangala Mangala (The Most Propitious of the Propitious)   
(11) Aprameya Guna ( He who has countless qualities) 
(12) Mantra Mantraga (The Quintessence of Mantras) 
(13) Savitrimaya (Full of Pranava or Omkara) 
(14) Sarvatra Aparajita ( Always unconquerable) 
(15) Sarvatmika Mantra (The universally applicable Mantra) 
(16)Deva (Replete with Divinity) 
(17) Shadakshara Vatam Vara (The best reciter of Om Namassivaya) 
(18) Gava Putra (The Illustrious Son of Cow or Ganges) 
(19) Surarighna (The Destroyer of the Enemies of Devas) 
(20) Sambhava (He who makes the Impossible possible) 
(21) Bhava bhaavana (The Creator of the Universe in the form of Brahma) 
(22) Pinakini ( The Carrier of Pinakini Dhanush in the form of Shankara)
(23) Shatruha (The Terminator of Opponents) 
(24) Swetha ( He assumes the form of a white Mountain or Himalaya) 
(25) Guudha (Born in a hidden place or He who has latent Shakti) 
(26) Skanda (He who jumps while walking) 
(27) Suraagrani (The Chief of Suras)
(28) Dwaadasha (Who has twelve eyes and ears) 
(29) Bhu (Bhu mandala Swarupa or the Form of Earth) 
(30)Bhuvah ( Antariksha Rupa or Of the form of Sky) 
(31) Bhavi (Bhavitva Rupa ) 
(32) Bhuva Putra (Bhumi Putra as Siva’s manliness was absorbed into Earth)
(33) Namaskruth (Saluted by one and all) 
(34) Nagaraja (The King of Serpents)
(35) Sudharmatma (Epitome of Virtue) 
(36) Naka Prushtha (He is the Base of Swarga as He is the Saviour of Devas) 
(37) Sanatan (He is Eternal) 
(38) Hema garbha (Born of Siva’s gold-like semen) 
(39) Mahagarbha (Born of several mothers) 
(40) Jaya (Victorious) 
(41) Vijayeswara (The Deity of Victory) 
(42) Karta (The Performer) 
(43)Vidhata (The Preserver) 
(44) Nithya (Everlasting) 
(45) Nithyarimardana (The constant destroyer of enemies) 
(46) Mahasena (The Chief of a huge army) 
(47) Maha Teja (The most Illuminated) 
(48) Virasena (Commander of a Valiant army) 
(49) Chamupati (The Leader of Militia) 
(50) Surasena (The Principal of an intrepid band of soldiers) 
(51)Suradhaksha (The Supreme Head of Devas) 
(52) Bhimasena (The Chief of a terrifying military) 
(53) Niramaya (Devoid of illness) 
(54) Shouri (The most gallant Son of Shankara) 
(55) Patu (Smart and Enterprising) 
(56) Maha Teja (The highly radiant) 
(57) Viryavan (Personification of Might) 
(58) Satya Vikram (Courageously Truthful)
(59) Tejogarbha (Agni Putra) 
(60) Asuripu (Antagonist of Demons) 
(61) Suramurthi (A byword for Devas) 
(62) Surojit (More gutsy than Devas) 
(63) Krutajna (Grateful to those who stand by Him) 
(64) Varada (Bestower of windfalls) 
(65) Satya (Satyavadi or He who stands for Truth) 
(66) Sharanya (Protector of those who seek refuge) 
(67) Sadhu Vatsal (Affectionate and kind to the Good) 
(68) Suvratha (Benefactor of those who perform good Vrathas) 
(69) Surya Sankash (Luminous like Sun) 
(70) Vahnigarbha (Begotten of Agni)
(71) Ranotsuk (Enthusiastic of Battles) 
(72) Pippali (Consumer of Pippali)
(73) Seeghraga (Travels at top speed) 
(74) Roudri ( Son of Rudra) 
(75) Gangeya (Son of Ganges) 
(76) Ripudarun (Demolisher of Foes) 
(77) Kartikeya (Son of Krittikas)
(78) Prabhu (Highly accomplished) 
(79) Kshanth (Forgiving and Patient) 
(80) Neela-damshtra (Blue Thoated) 
(81) Mahamana (of large heart disposition) 
(82) Nigrah(Possessive of Restraint) 
(83) Netha (Leader) 
(84) Suranandana (Provider of happiness to Devas) 
(85) Pragrah (Controller of Enemies) 
(86) Paramananda (Extremely blissful) 
(87)Krodhagna (Alleviates the anger of Devotees) 
(88) Tar (Producer of heavy sound) 
(89)Vucchrit (High stamper of feet) 
(90) Kukkuti (Keeper of Cock as chariot flag) 
(91) Bahuli (Possessor of many useful implements) 
(92) Divya (Has Divine illumination) 
(93)Kamad (Fulfilled of desires) 
(94) Bhurivardhan (Has extreme amusement) 
(95) Amogha (Unconquerable and ever successful) 
(96) Amritada (Endower of Amrit) 
(97) Agni (Agni Swarup) 
(98) Shatrughna (Terminator of Opponents) 
(99) Sarvabodhan (Provider of Knowledge to one and all) 
(100) Anagha (Devoid of sins) 
(101) Amar (indestructible)
(102) Sriman (Highly Prosperous) 
(103) Unnati (High Profiled) 
(104) Agni Sambhava
(105) Piscacha Raja (King of Piscachas and Siva Ganas) 
(106)Suryabha (Akin to Sun God in radiance) 
(107) Sivatma (Siva Swarupa) and 
(108) Sanatana (Eternal).

Phalasruti: Those who recite the Ashtottara of Kartikeya become fearless, contented, and happy; a pregnant woman reads or hears the Ashtottara would be blessed with a son of virtue and fortune; and if unmarried girls read they are sure to secure ideal husbands.

Sri Subrahmanya Ashtottara Sata Namavali Hindi:


ॐ स्कन्दाय नमः

ॐ गुहाय नमः

ॐ षण्मुखाय नमः

ॐ फालनेत्र सुताय नमः

ॐ प्रभवे नमः

ॐ पिङ्गलाय नमः

ॐ क्रुत्तिकासूनवे नमः

ॐ सिखिवाहाय नमः

ॐ द्विनादभुजाय नमः

ॐ द्विषन्णे त्राय नमः ॥ 10 ॥


ॐ शक्तिधराय नमः

ॐ फिशिताश प्रभञ्जनाय नमः

ॐ तारकासुर संहार्त्रे नमः

ॐ रक्षोबलविमर्द नाय नमः

ॐ मत्ताय नमः

ॐ प्रमत्ताय नमः

ॐ उन्मत्ताय नमः

ॐ सुरसैन्य स्सुरक्ष काय नमः

ॐ दीवसेनापतये नमः

ॐ प्राज्ञाय नमः ॥ 20 ॥


ॐ कृपालवे नमः

ॐ भक्तवत्सलाय नमः

ॐ उमासुताय नमः

ॐ शक्तिधराय नमः

ॐ कुमाराय नमः

ॐ क्रौञ्च दारणाय नमः

ॐ सेनानिये नमः

ॐ अग्निजन्मने नमः

ॐ विशाखाय नमः

ॐ शङ्करात्मजाय नमः ॥ 30 ॥


ॐ शिवस्वामिने नमः

ॐ गुण स्वामिने नमः

ॐ सर्वस्वामिने नमः

ॐ सनातनाय नमः

ॐ अनन्त शक्तिये नमः

ॐ अक्षोभ्याय नमः

ॐ पार्वतिप्रियनन्दनाय नमः

ॐ गङ्गासुताय नमः

ॐ सरोद्भूताय नमः

ॐ अहूताय नमः ॥ 40 ॥


ॐ पावकात्मजाय नमः

ॐ ज्रुम्भाय नमः

ॐ प्रज्रुम्भाय नमः

ॐ उज्ज्रुम्भाय नमः

ॐ कमलासन संस्तुताय नमः

ॐ एकवर्णाय नमः

ॐ द्विवर्णाय नमः

ॐ त्रिवर्णाय नमः

ॐ सुमनोहराय नमः

ॐ चतुर्व र्णाय नमः ॥ 50 ॥


ॐ पञ्च वर्णाय नमः

ॐ प्रजापतये नमः

ॐ आहार्पतये नमः

ॐ अग्निगर्भाय नमः

ॐ शमीगर्भाय नमः

ॐ विश्वरेतसे नमः

ॐ सुरारिघ्ने नमः

ॐ हरिद्वर्णाय नमः

ॐ शुभकाराय नमः

ॐ वटवे नमः ॥ 60 ॥


ॐ वटवेष भ्रुते नमः

ॐ पूषाय नमः

ॐ गभस्तिये नमः

ॐ गहनाय नमः

ॐ चन्द्रवर्णाय नमः

ॐ कलाधराय नमः

ॐ मायाधराय नमः

ॐ महामायिने नमः

ॐ कैवल्याय नमः

ॐ शङ्करात्मजाय नमः ॥ 70 ॥


ॐ विस्वयोनिये नमः

ॐ अमेयात्मा नमः

ॐ तेजोनिधये नमः

ॐ अनामयाय नमः

ॐ परमेष्टिने नमः

ॐ परब्रह्मय नमः

ॐ वेदगर्भाय नमः

ॐ विराट्सुताय नमः

ॐ पुलिन्दकन्याभर्ताय नमः

ॐ महासार स्वताव्रुताय नमः ॥ 80 ॥


ॐ आश्रित खिलदात्रे नमः

ॐ चोरघ्नाय नमः

ॐ रोगनाशनाय नमः

ॐ अनन्त मूर्तये नमः

ॐ आनन्दाय नमः

ॐ शिखिण्डिकृत केतनाय नमः

ॐ डम्भाय नमः

ॐ परम डम्भाय नमः

ॐ महा डम्भाय नमः

ॐ क्रुपाकपये नमः ॥ 90 ॥


ॐ कारणोपात्त देहाय नमः

ॐ कारणातीत विग्रहाय नमः

ॐ अनीश्वराय नमः

ॐ अमृताय नमः

ॐ प्राणाय नमः

ॐ प्राणायाम पारायणाय नमः

ॐ विरुद्दहन्त्रे नमः

ॐ वीरघ्नाय नमः

ॐ रक्तास्याय नमः

ॐ श्याम कन्धराय नमः ॥ 100 ॥


ॐ सुब्र ह्मण्याय नमः

ॐ आन् गुहाय नमः

ॐ प्रीताय नमः

ॐ ब्राह्मण्याय नमः

ॐ ब्राह्मण प्रियाय नमः

ॐ वेदवेद्याय नमः

ॐ अक्षय फलदाय नमः

ॐ वल्ली देवसेना समेत श्री सुब्रह्मण्य स्वामिने नमः ॥ 108 ॥


Sri Subrahmanya Ashtottara Sata Namavali Meaning:


Hail Skanda! Vanquisher of the mighty foes!

Praise be to the Invisible Lord—He who abides in the hearts of devotees true!

Praise be to the six-faced one!

Praise be to the Son of the Three-Eyed Siva!

Praise be to the Lord Supreme!

Praise be to the golden-hued one!

Hail to the Son of the starry maids!

Hail to the rider on the peacock!

Hail to the Lord with the twelve hands!

Hail to the Lord with the twelve eyes! || 10 ||


Hail to the wielder of the Lance!

Praise be to the destroyer of the Asuras!

Praise be to the slayar of Tarakasuran!

Praise be to the Victor of the Asuric forces!

Praise be to the Lord of felicity!

Praise be to the Lord of bliss!

Hail Oh passionate One!

(Suralangasya Rakshithre Namaha); Hail Savior of the Devas!

Hail Commander of the Heavenly hosts!

Hail, Lord of Wisdom! || 20 ||


Hail Compassionate One!

Lover of devout ones, Praise be to Thee!

Son of Uma—Praise be to Thee!

Mighty Lord—Praise be to Thee!

Eternal youth—Praise be to Thee!

He who reft asunder the Kraunca Mount—Praise be to Thee!

Praise be to the Army Chief!

To the effulgence of Fire, all Hail!

To Him who shone on the astral Visakha—All Hail!

Thou Son of Sankara—All Hail! || 30 ||


Thou Preceptor of Siva—All Hail!

On Lord of the Ganas—All Hail

On Lord, God Almighty, All Hail!

Oh Lord eternal, Praise be to Thee!

Thou potent Lord, Praise be to Thee!

Unsullied by arrows art Thou—Praise be to Thee!

Thou beloved of Parvati, Praise be to Thee!

Oh, son of Goddess Ganga—Praise be to Thee!

Thou who did’st nestle in the Saravana Lake!

Thou Unborn Lord! || 40 ||


Thou who art born of Fire!

Energy Art Thou—Praise be to Thee!

Praise be to thee Auspicious One! (Blissful)!

Praise be to the Invincible One!

Praise be to the Lord extolled by Brahma!

The one Word art Thou—All Hail!

In Two Art Thou—All Hail!

Thou Art the Three—All Hail!

Thou Stealer of pure hearts—All Hail!

In four Art Thou—All Hail! || 50 ||


In five letters Art Thou—All Hail!

Father of all Creation—All Hail!

Praise be to Thee, Oh Peerless One!

Thou who dost sustain the fire!

Hail Thou who arose out of the Vanni flame! (Fire of the Suma tree)!

Thou glory of the Absolute Paramasivam, All Hail!

Oh, Subduer of the foes of the Devas, All Hail!

Thou resplendent One, All Hail!

Thou Auspicious One—All Hail!

Thou Oh Splendor of the Vasus— (a class of Gods) All Hail! || 60 ||


Praise be to Thee, Oh lover of celibacy!

Thou Luminous Sun—All Hail!

Thou Effulgence divine, All Hail!

Thou Omniscient One—All Hail!

Thou Radiance of the Moon—Praise be to Thee!

Thou who adorns the crescent—Praise be to Thee!

Energy art Thou—Praise be to Thee!

Great Artist of Deception too art Thou, Praise be to Thee!

Everlasting joy of attainment—Praise be to Thee!

Art all-pervading—All Hail! || 70 ||


Source of all Existence—All Hail!

Oh, Supreme Splendor, All Hail!

Illumination divine—All Hail!

Savior of all ills—All Hail!

Thou art Immaculate Lord, Praise be to Thee

Thou Transcendent One, Praise be to Thee!

The Source of the Vedas art Thou, Praise be to Thee!

Immanent Art Thou in the Universe, Praise be to Thee!

Praise be to the Lord of Valli, the Vedda belle!

Praise be to the source of Gnosis || 80 ||


Praise be to Him who showers grace on those who seek his solace!

Praise be to Him who annihilates those who steal!

Praise be to the divine Healer

Praise be Thine whose forms are endless!

Praise be Thine, Oh Thou infinite Bliss!

Praise be Thine, Thou Lord of peacock banner!

Praise be Thine, Oh lover of gay exuberance!

Praise be Thine, Thou lover of supreme exuberance!

Praise be Thine, Oh Lord of lofty magnificence!

Thou who art the culmination of righteousness—All Hail (Dharma)! || 90 ||


Thou who deigned embodiment for a cause—All Hail!

Form transcending causal experience

Oh Eternal peerless plenitude, All Hail

Thou Ambrosia of Life—All Hail!

Thou life of life, Praise unto Thee!

Thou support of all beings—Praise unto Thee!

Praise unto Thee who subjugates all hostile forces!

Thou vanquisher of heroic opponents, Praise unto Thee!

Thou art Love, and of crimson beauty— Praise unto Thee!

Oh Consummation of glory, All Praise to Thee! || 100 ||


We praise Thee, Oh effulgent Radiance!

Oh Supreme (Sovereign) Goodness, Praise unto Thee!

We praise Thee, luminous wisdom serene!

Thou who art beloved of seers—Praise unto Thee!

Oh universal Teacher, All Praise to Thee!

We praise Thee, Indweller in the core of our hearts!

We praise Thee, Oh bestowed of indestructible results ineffable!

We praise Thee, most glorious effulgent Radiance! || 108 ||

भगवान कार्तिकेय की पूजा*Subrahmanya, known as Guru Kartikeya

 भगवान कार्तिकेय की पूजा*Subrahmanya, known as Guru Kartikeya.