Thursday, January 7, 2021

Shodashi Tripura Sundari * षोडशी महाविद्या हैं भुक्ति-मुक्ति-दायिनी ( Dus Mahavidya Series )


Shodashi Tripura Sundari * षोडशी महाविद्या हैं भुक्ति-मुक्ति-दायिनी ( Dus Mahavidya Series )


The Sri Yantra in diagrammatic form, showing how its nine interlocking triangles form a total of 43 smaller triangles.

In the principally Shakta theology of Śrī Vidyā the goddess is supreme, transcending the cosmos that is her manifestation.She is worshiped in the form of a mystical diagram (Sanskrit: yantra), a central focus and ritual object composed of nine intersecting triangles, called the Shri Yantra or Śrī Cakra.

The Meru Chakra is a three-dimensional form of this, made of rock crystal or metal, often a traditional alloy of silver, antimony, copper, zinc and pewter that is held to enhance the flow and generation of its beneficial energies, covered in gold.

The worship of the Sri Chakra is central to the Shri Vidya system of Hindu worship. Four isosceles triangles with the apices upwards, representing Shiva or the Masculine. Five isosceles triangles with the apices downward, symbolizing female embodiment Shakti. Thus the Sri Yantra also represents the union of Masculine and Feminine Divine. Because it is composed of nine triangles, it is known as the Navayoni Chakra.


 "These nine triangles are of various sizes and intersect with one another. In the middle is the power point (bindu), visualizing the highest, the invisible, elusive centre from which the entire figure and the cosmos expand. The triangles are enclosed by two rows of (8 and 16) petals, representing the lotus of creation and reproductive vital force. The broken lines of the outer frame denote the figure to be a sanctuary with four openings to the regions of the universe".


Together the nine triangles are interlaced in such a way as to form 43 smaller triangles in a web symbolic of the entire cosmos or a womb symbolic of creation. Together they express Advaita or non-duality. This is surrounded by a lotus of eight petals, a lotus of sixteen petals, and an earth square resembling a temple with four doors.

The various deities residing in the nine layers of the Sri Yantra are described in the Devi Khadgamala Mantra.

The Shri Chakra is also known as the nava chakra because it can also be seen as having nine levels. "Nine" comes from" Nava" of Sanskrit. Each level corresponds to a mudra, a yogini, and a specific form of the Deity Tripura Sundari along with her mantra. These levels starting from the outside or bottom layer are:

Trailokya Mohana or Bhupara, a square of three lines with four portals

Sarva Aasa Paripuraka, a sixteen-petal lotus

Sarva Sankshobahana, an eight-petal lotus

Sarva Saubhagyadayaka, composed of fourteen small triangles

Sara Arthasadhaka, composed of ten small triangles

Sarva Rakshakara, composed of ten small triangles

Sarva Rogahara, composed of eight small triangles

Sarva Siddhiprada, composed of 1 small triangle

Sarva Anandamaya, composed of a point or bindu

The Sri Chakra (called the Shri Yantra) is the symbol of Hindu tantra, which is based on the Hindu philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism. The Sri Yantra is the object of devotion in Sri Vidya.

The two dimensional Sri Chakra, when it is projected into three dimensions is called a Maha Meru (Mount Meru).


Lalita Tripura Sundari Devi is considered to be the most potent incarnation of Parvati or simply Her saguna roopa. She, along with Sadasiva is responsible for the Pancha-Krityas - Sristi or creation, Sthithi or protection, Samhara or destruction, Thirodhana or concealment of the world in Maya and Anugraha or final liberation . She is best known as the Devi glorified in the Lalita Sahasranama and as the subject of the Lalitopakhyanam (story of the goddess Lalita) in Hinduism.

She is called Tripura because she is identical with the triangle (trikona) that symbolizes the yoni and that forms her chakra She is also called Tripura because her mantra has three clusters of syllables. Here Tripura is identified with the alphabet, from which all sounds and words proceed and which is often understood to occupy a primordial place in tantric cosmology. She is three-fold, furthermore, because she expresses herself in Brahma, Visnu, and Siva in her roles as creator, maintainer, and destroyer of the universe. She is threefold also because she represents the subject (maul), instrument (mina), and object (meya) of all things. Here again, she is identified with reality expressed in terms of speech, which involves a speaker, what is said, and objects to which the words refer.

Tripura Sundari Temple is a Hindu temple of Goddess Tripura Sundari, better known locally as Devi Tripureshwari. The temple is situated in the ancient city of Udaipur, about 55 km from Agartala, Tripura and can be reached by train and road from Agartala. It is believed to be one of the holiest Hindu shrines in this part of the country. Popularly known as Matabari, the shrine is set upon a small hillock, since the shape of a hillock resembles the hump of a tortoise (Kurma) and this shape called Kurmapṛṣṭhākṛti is considered the holiest possible site for a Shakti temple, hence also bestowing the name of Kurma Pīṭha. The Goddess is served by traditional Brahmin priests.
The temple is considered to be one of the 51 Shakti Peethas; legend says that the little finger of the left leg of Sati fell here. Here, Shakti is worshipped as Tripurasundarī and the accompanying Bhairava is Tripuresh. The main shrine, a cubical edifice with a three-tier roof with a finial, erected by Maharaja of Tripura Dhanya Manikya in 1501 AD, is constructed in the Bengali Ek-ratna style.
There are two similar but different sized black stone idols of the Goddess in the sanctum sanctorum of the temple. The larger and more prominent idol of 5 feet height is of Goddess Tripura Sundari and the smaller one, adorably called Chhoto-Ma (literally, Little Mother), is 2 feet tall and is an idol of Goddess Chandi. Folklore says that the smaller idol was carried by the kings of Tripura to the battlefield.

The slokas are organized in such a way that Devi is described from head to feet (kesadhi padham). There are basically five works (pancha krtyam). They are creation (srishti), protection (sthiti), destruction (samharam), hiding (thirudhanam) and blessing (anugraham). Devi herself has been described as "pancha krtya parayana" in the sloka and the five tasks are described as follows:

srshtikarthi brahmma roopa gopthree-govinda-rupini samharini-rudra-rupa thirodhanakareeswari sadasiva-anugrahadha panchakruthya-parayana

This means Devi is the aspect of Brahma, while creating sristhi, aspect of Vishnu while sustaining sristhi, aspect of Rudra during dissolution sanghara. These five entities (Brahmma, Vishnu, Rudra, Isvara and Sadasiva) are known as "pancha-brahma". Lalitha has designated the five functions to these brahmam. Sometimes, Devi will take away the life from these five brahmmam and make them inactive, performing all the five tasks herself. At that time they will be called "pancha pretam" that is lifeless bodies.The first three slokas are: Srimata (great mother) – srshti; Sri Maharajni (great ruler) – sthithi; Srimat Simhasaneswari (one who sits on the lion throne) – samharam. The rest of the slokas cover thirodhanam and anugraham.

The next names – "chidhagnikunda sambhutha devakarya samudhyatha" tells us that devi arose from the fire of knowledge to help devas in their task (war against asuras – bhandasura).

From the namAa- Udhyath bhanu sahasraba till sinjanamani manjeera manditha sree padambuja, all her parts like her face, fore head, eyes, mouth, tongue, voice, hands and legs have been described.Thereafter, Devi's place (Chintamani gruham), her war against bandasura, kundalini shakti, and her properties have been described. A common image of the goddess depicts a parrot and a sugarcane with her. Sugarcane represents the sweetness of her mind.

Tripura Sundari is also known by names as Ṣoḍaśī ("She who is the sixteenth"), Lalitā, Kāmeśvarī, Śrīvidyā and Raj Rajeshwari.  The Shodashi Tantra refers to Shodashi as the "Beauty of the Three Cities," or Tripurasundari.
She is Tripura because she is beyond the three Gunas. She dwells in the three worlds of manas, buddhi, and chitta. She is Trayi, the unified combination of the three gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. She is also known as Lalita (the graceful one) and Kameshwari (the desire principle of the Supreme).

तृतीया महाविद्या – त्रिपुर सुंदरी (श्री कुल)

षोडशी माहेश्वरी शक्ति की विग्रह वाली शक्ति है। इनकी चार भुजा और तीन नेत्र हैं। इसे ललिता, राज राजेश्वरी और त्रिपुर सुंदरी भी कहा जाता है।

त्रिपुरासुन्दरी दस महाविद्याओं (दस देवियों) में से एक हैं। इन्हें ‘महात्रिपुरसुन्दरी’, षोडशी, ललिता, लीलावती, लीलामती, ललिताम्बिका, लीलेशी, लीलेश्वरी, तथा राजराजेश्वरी भी कहते हैं। वे दस महाविद्याओं में सबसे प्रमुख देवी हैं।

त्रिपुरसुन्दरी के चार कर दर्शाए गए हैं। चारों हाथों में पाश, अंकुश, धनुष और बाण सुशोभित हैं। देवीभागवत में ये कहा गया है वर देने के लिए सदा-सर्वदा तत्पर भगवती मां का श्रीविग्रह सौम्य और हृदय दया से पूर्ण है।जो इनका आश्रय लेते है, उन्हें इनका आशीर्वाद प्राप्त होता है। इनकी महिमा अवर्णनीय है। संसार के समस्त तंत्र-मंत्र इनकी आराधना करते हैं। प्रसन्न होने पर ये भक्तों को अमूल्य निधियां प्रदान कर देती हैं।चार दिशाओं में चार और एक ऊपर की ओर मुख होने से इन्हें तंत्र शास्त्रों में ‘पंचवक्त्र’ अर्थात् पांच मुखों वाली कहा गया है। आप सोलह कलाओं से परिपूर्ण हैं, इसलिए इनका नाम ‘षोडशी’ भी है

एक बार पार्वती जी ने भगवान शिवजी से पूछा, ‘भगवन! आपके द्वारा वर्णित तंत्र शास्त्र की साधना से जीव के आधि-व्याधि, शोक संताप, दीनता-हीनता तो दूर हो जाएगी, किन्तु गर्भवास और मरण के असह्य दुख की निवृत्ति और मोक्ष पद की प्राप्ति का कोई सरल उपाय बताइये।’ तब पार्वती जी के अनुरोध पर भगवान शिव ने त्रिपुर सुन्दरी श्रीविद्या साधना-प्रणाली को प्रकट किया।”भैरवयामल और शक्तिलहरी’’ में त्रिपुर सुन्दरी उपासना का विस्तृत वर्णन मिलता है।ऋषि दुर्वासा आपके परम आराधक थे। इनकी उपासना ‘‘श्री चक्र’’ में होती है। 

आदिगुरू शंकरचार्य ने भी अपने ग्रन्थ सौन्दर्यलहरी में त्रिपुर सुन्दरी श्रीविद्या की बड़ी सरस स्तुति की है। कहा जाता है- भगवती त्रिपुर सुन्दरी के आशीर्वाद से साधक को भोग और मोक्ष दोनों सहज उपलब्ध हो जाते हैं।।

On 5th June 1872, on Phalaharini Kali-puja night, Bhagawan Sri Ramakrishna worshipped Sarada Devi as Shodashi, the Mother of the Universe. The Mother of the Universe is variously worshipped —as Durga, Kali, Tara, Shodashi and so on. But, in his room he uttered the “mantras” which are related to Shodashi and worshipped Sarada Devi duly with flowers, bel leaves and sweets, among other things.

In the  modern world only recitation of Mantras and Dhyana Yoga reaps benefits. This is ancient knowledge out of which one should take out only applicable Puja methods. The sadhak needs a medium which is Picture or Murti and one's own power to concentrate.


Her most important temple is the Kanchi Kamakshi temple in Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu. Kanchipuram is one of the moksha puris. Sage Durvasa done intense penance in Kanchipuram and the pleased Lalita Tripura Sundari appeared and agrees to reside in Kanchi for the benefit of her devotees. Adi Sankaracharya installed the Sri Chakra in this temple. It is also the place of Kanchi Kamakoti mandali.

Many temples of Goddess Raj Rajeshwari are also found in Uttarakhand, where she is considered as the Kul-devi. A temple of Tripura Sundari is located at tripuradevi village in Berinag and Tripura Sundri amma (Thibbadevi) temple in Muguru is located in the Tirumakudal Narsipur taluk of Mysore district in Karnataka.

Goddess RajaRajeshwari Temple is in Rajarajeshwari Nagar, Mysuru Road, Bengaluru, Karnataka, which is a prime location in Bengaluru. Many people throng to this place because of presence of the Goddess.

Tripura sundari in her form Raja Rajeshwari is worshiped in Kandamangalam Sree Rajarajeshwari temple located in the village Kadakkarapalli, Cherthala taluk, Alappuzha district, Kerala. The temple is named as Kanadamangalam by Sree Narayana Guru (social reformer and spiritual leader) which comprises two words "Kandal" which means if you see and "mangalam" which means good fortune.

Bala Tripura Sundari Temple is also in Dolpa district of Nepal.

The Soundarya Lahari of Adi Shankaracharya deals exhaustively about the nature of the Goddess and her worship.

The Lalitopakyana tells of the epic battle between her forces and the forces of the arch-demon Bhandasura.

The Tripura Sundari Ashtakam by Adi Shankaracharya describes her as a Mother wearing a blue and red-spotted dress and holding a pot of honey.

Bhandasura was a demon created from the ashes of Kamadeva by Chitrakarma. This character makes his appearance in, and is the main antagonist of the Lalitopakyanam, part of Brahma Purana.
Bhandasura was created from the ashes of Kamadeva and performed severe austerities to please Lord Shiva, for which he was rewarded with the boons that whomsoever dares to fight Bhandasura would forfeit half of his strength and masculinity to him. Bhanda was also given the city of the demons, Shunyaka (in the Mahendra Hills) to live in and was promised emperor hood of the multiverse for sixty-thousand years without any obstructions in his path. For obvious reason, no god, man or demon dared to attack him. He created two brothers, Vishukra and Vishanga from his shoulders. From his heart he created his sister, Dhumini. He also brought to life four wives with whom he had thirty sons in total and a daughter named Rashmi Prabha.
Fearing him and his vicious boons, the gods of the multiverse went into hiding where they worshiped the Goddess Parashakti for the last few thousand years of Bhandasura's uninterrupted rule, while he was immersed in lust and luxury by Lord Vishnu's Maya. When Bhandasura came to know of the gods' conspiracy against him, he attacked them at the spot where they were performing a Yajna to appease the goddess. In fear, the Devas entered the fire pit and immolated themselves. When a relieved Bhandasura had gone, the Goddess Parashakti incarnated on the from of Goddess Tripura Sundari and resurrected all the gods of the multiverse and restored their duties.
She recreated the universe. From her various organs, she created the worlds, Pancha Bhutas etc (for example, Earth from her feet, darkness from her hair etc). Then, she created Bala Tripurasundari from her heart, Gayatri from Kundalini, Varahi from her ego, Matangi from her intellect, Sampatkari from Ankusha, Ashwaroodha from her Pasha & other Devis like Nakuleshwari, Jwalamalini etc.
Goddess Tripura Sundari went to war against Bhandasura, with an army strong enough to destroy him and the inhabitants of Shonitapura. Her army was led by Goddess Sampatkari on an elephant and Goddess Ashwarudha on a horse. She herself went to war on the Sri-Chakra, the Chakraraja-Ratha with every weapon known to god and man alike. Her commander in chief, Goddess Dandini (Varahi) followed on Kiri Chakra and her prime minister Mantrini/Shyamala (Matangi) followed on the Geya Chakra.
The war was in favor of Goddess Lalita (Tripura Sundari). Her daughter Bala successfully killed all thirty of Bhandasura's sons, while Matangi killed his brother Vishanga. His other brother Vishukra was killed by Varahi. Before dying however, Vishukra had placed a jaya-vighna-yantra in the middle of the Goddess's troops. This froze everyone except Lalita, Bala, Kameshwara Shiva, Matangi and Varahi. Devi Lalita then, with her husband in the from of Kameshwara, created Mahaganapati (the highest form of Ganesha), who destroyed Vishukra's yantra, thus reanimating the other goddesses. Goddess also created Maha Subramanya (highest form of Kartikeya)
Bhandasura now recreated the demons killed by Vishnu in each of his seven incarnations. Goddess Lalita Parvati brought forth each of Vishnu's incarnations (Dashavatar) from her fingernails, that put the demons to an end.
The Mother put out every firebrand sent by the demon her way, and destroyed his army with the Maha-Pashupatastra. She finally killed Bhandasura and destroyed Shonitapura with the Kameshwarastra. With Bhandasura incinerated by her arrow, the Goddess recreated Kamadeva from his ashes and restored Rati's marriagehood and peace to the multiverse.

Mantra :-

            Aum Aim Hreem Shreem Aim Kleem Sowm Kleem Aim Aum Namo Bhagavati Tripura Devi Mama Vasam Kuru Kuru Swaha

श्री त्रिपुरसुन्दरी स्तोत्रम्
कदंबवनचारिणीं मुनिकदम्बकादंविनीं,
नितंबजितभूधरां सुरनितंबिनीसेविताम् |
त्रिलोचनकुटुम्बिनीं त्रिपुरसुंदरीमाश्रये ॥|1|
कदंबवनवासिनीं कनकवल्लकीधारिणीं,
महार्हमणिहारिणीं मुखसमुल्लसद्वारुणींम् |
दया विभव कारिणी विशद लोचनी चारिणी,
त्रिलोचन कुटुम्बिनी त्रिपुर सुंदरी माश्रये ॥|2|
कदंबवनशालया कुचभरोल्लसन्मालया,
कुचोपमितशैलया गुरुकृपालसद्वेलया |
मदारुणकपोलया मधुरगीतवाचालया ,
कयापि घननीलया कवचिता वयं लीलया ॥|3|
कदंबवनमध्यगां कनकमंडलोपस्थितां,
षडंबरुहवासिनीं सततसिद्धसौदामिनीम् |
विडंवितजपारुचिं विकचचंद्रचूडामणिं ,
त्रिलोचनकुटुंबिनीं त्रिपुरसुंदरीमाश्रये ॥|4|
कुचांचितविपंचिकां कुटिलकुंतलालंकृतां ,
कुशेशयनिवासिनीं कुटिलचित्तविद्वेषिणीम् |
मदारुणविलोचनां मनसिजारिसंमोहिनीं ,
मतंगमुनिकन्यकां मधुरभाषिणीमाश्रये ॥|5|
स्मरेत्प्रथमपुष्प्णीं रुधिरबिन्दुनीलांबरां,
गृहीतमधुपत्रिकां मधुविघूर्णनेत्रांचलाम्‌ |
घनस्तनभरोन्नतां गलितचूलिकां श्यामलां,
त्रिलोचनकुटंबिनीं त्रिपुरसुंदरीमाश्रये ॥|6|
सकुंकुमविलेपनामलकचुंबिकस्तूरिकां ,
समंदहसितेक्षणां सशरचापपाशांकुशाम् |
असेष जनमोहिनी मरूण माल्य भुषाम्बरा,
जपाकुशुम भाशुरां जपविधौ स्मराम्यम्बिकाम ॥|7|
पुरम्दरपुरंध्रिकां चिकुरबंधसैरंध्रिकां ,
पितामहपतिव्रतां पटुपटीरचर्चारताम्‌ |
मुकुंदरमणीं मणिलसदलंक्रियाकारिणीं,
भजामि भुवनांबिकां सुरवधूटिकाचेटिकाम् ॥|8|
इति श्रीमत्परमहंसपरिव्राजकाचार्यश्रीमच्छंकराचार्य विरचितं त्रिपुरसुन्दरीस्तोत्रं संपूर्णम् ।


॥ अथ त्रिपुरसुन्दरि अष्टकम्॥


कदम्बवनचारिणीं मुनिकदम्बकादम्बिनीं

नितम्बजितभूधरां सुरनितम्बिनीसेविताम् ।

नवाम्बुरुहलोचनां अभिनवाम्बुदश्यामलां

त्रिलोचनकुटुम्बिनीं त्रिपुरसुन्दरीमाश्रये ॥ १॥




अहं :  I;

त्रिपुरसुन्दरीं : (in/to) Goddess tripurasundari;

आश्रये : seek shelter in (pay obeisance to).

The remaining phrases are adjectives that qualify the accusative noun

(dvitIyA vibhakti) ``tripurasundarIM᳚;

कदम्ब वन चरिनीं : who is roaming in the kadamba forest.

Kadamba is a kind of tree (Nauclea cadamba). It is

said to put forth orange coloured fragrant buds at the roaring of

thunder clouds.  A withered relic of the kadamba tree is still preserved

in the precincts of the Madurai MeenakShi temple.  Here,

kadamba forest stands for the universe which devi permeates.

मुनि कदम्ब कादम्बिनीं : a galaxy of clouds to the galaxy of rishis

(sages).  Just as the bank of clouds quenches the thirst of the

earthly beings, so does tripurasundari quench the

spiritual thirst of the munis (sages).

नितम्ब :  hip;

जित भूधरां : conquering (excelling) the mountains

(whose hip excels the mountain);

सुर नितम्बिनी सेवितां :  who is served by celestial damsels;

नवांबुरुह लोचनां : whoes eyes resemble fresh lotus;

अभिनवांबुद श्यामलां : who is swarthy like the newly formed


त्रिलोचनकुटुम्बिनीं : who belongs to the family of the three-eyed

one (Lord shiva);



कदम्बवनवासिनीं कनकवल्लकीधारिणीं

महार्हमणिहारिणीं मुखसमुल्लसद्वारुणीम् ।

दयाविभवकारिणीं विशदलोचनीं चारिणीं

त्रिलोचनकुटुम्बिनीं त्रिपुरसुन्दरीमाश्रये ॥ २॥


(अहम्) त्रिपुरसुन्दरीं आश्रये : (as in the above shlokaM);

कदम्ब वन वासिनीं :  (as in shlokaM 1);

कनक वल्लकी धारिणीं : who holds a golden VINa;

महार्ह मणि हारिणीं :  who wears a garland of precious gems;

मुख समुल्लसद् वारिणीं : whose face  glows deeply with ambrosia;

दयाविभव कारिणीं :  bestowing prosperity through mercy;

विशद लोचनीं : clear eyed;

चारिणीं : wandering.



कदम्बवनशालया कुचमरोल्लसन्मालया

कुचोपमितशैलया गुरुकृपालसद्वेलया ।

मदारुणकपोलया मधुरगीतवाचालया

कयाऽपि घननीलया कवचिता वयं लीलया ॥ ३॥




वयं :  we;

लीलया : by her inscrutable play;

कवचिता : (we) are arrayed in panoply.

the remaining phrases qualify the noun ``lIlayA᳚;

कदम्बवन शालया : by her abode in the kadamba forest (meaning here,

the entire universe);

कुचमरोल्लसन् मालया : by the garland gracing her massive bosoms;

कुचोपमित शैलया : by her bosoms rivalling the mountains

(represents her cosmic motherhood, and eagerness to

nourish the entire world).

गुरुकृपालसद् वेलया :  by splendid flow of Her Grace;

मदारुण कपोलया : with cheeks rudded by wine;

मधुरगीत वाचालया : by her melodious musical voice;

कयापि घन नीलया : by her cloud-like blue.



कदम्बवनमध्यगां कनकमण्डलोपस्थितां

षडम्बुरुहवासिनीं सततसिद्धसौदामिनीम् ।

विडम्बितजपारुचिं विकचचन्द्रचूडामणिं

त्रिलोचनकुटुम्बिनीं त्रिपुरसुन्दरीमाश्रये ॥ ४॥




(अहम्) त्रिपुरसुन्दरीं आश्रये : (as in shlokam 1);

कदम्ब वन मध्यगां : who is in the midst of kadamba forest;

कनक मण्डलोपस्थितां : seated on the golden disc;

षडम्बुरुह वासिनीं : who resides in six lotus flowers;

सतत सिद्ध सौधामिनीं : a lightning to the constant siddhas;

विडम्बित जपा रुचिं : splenderously mocking the scarlet (red)

Hibiscous flower;

विकच चन्द्र चूडामणिं : with cloudless moon for her

crest jewel;

त्रिलोचन कुटुम्बिनीं : (as in shlokam  1).



कुचाञ्चितविपञ्चिकां कुटिलकुन्तलालंकृतां

कुशेशयनिवासिनीं कुटिलचित्तविद्वेषिणीम् ।

मदारुणविलोचनां मनसिजारिसंमोहिनीं

मतङ्गमुनिकन्यकां मधुरभाषिणीमाश्रये ॥ ५॥




(आहं) : I;

आश्रये :  seek shelter in  (Her, who is);

कुचाञ्चित विपञ्चिकां : with a Vina gracing her bosom;

कुटिल कुन्थलालंकृतां :  adorned with curly tresses of hair;

कुशेसय निवासिनीं :  residing in lotus;

कुटिल चित्त विद्वेषिणीं : scorning the evil-minded ones;

मदाऱुण विलोचनां : reddish eyed from nectar;

मनसिजारि सम्मोहिनीं : captivating the enemy of Cupid (shiva);

मतङ्ग मुनि कन्यकां :  daughter of  sage matanga;

मधुर भाषिणीं : mellifluously conversing.



स्मरप्रथमपुष्पिणीं रुधिरबिन्दुनीलाम्बरां

गृहीतमधुपात्रिकां मदविढणर्नेत्राञ्चलाम् ।

घनस्तनभरोन्नतां गलितचूलिकां श्यामलां

त्रिलोचनकुटुम्बिनीं त्रिपुरसुन्दरीमाश्रये ॥ ६॥




(अहम्) त्रिपुरसुन्दरीं आश्रये : (as in shlokam 1);

स्मर प्रथम पुष्पिणीं : who bears the first flower of manmatha


रुधिर बिन्दु नीलाम्बरां : clad in blue garments spotted

sanguine (red);

गृहीत मधु पात्रिकां :  holding a bowl of wine;

मद विढर्ण नेत्राञ्चलां : eyes inebriated languishing at the ends;

घन स्तन भरोन्नतां : close set with high and heavy bosom;

गलित चूलिकां :  with locks dishevelled;

श्याम्लां :  swarthy one;

त्रिलोचन कुटुम्बिनीं : (as in shlokaM 1).



सकुङ्कुमविलेपनां अलकचुम्बिकस्तूरिकां

समन्दहसितेक्षणां सशरचापपाशाङ्कुशाम् ।

अशेषजनमोहिनीं अरुणमाल्यभूषाम्बरां

जपाकुसुमभासुरां जपविधौ स्मराम्यम्बिकां ॥ ७॥




(अहं) : I;

अम्बिकां  : ambikA Mother (dvitIya vibhakti);

जपविधौ : in (during) Japa (meditation);

स्मरामि :  remember;

The remaining phrases qualify the noun: ambikAM:;

स कुङ्कुम विलेपनां :  smeared with vermillion;

अलक चुम्बि कस्तूरिकां : forelocks grazing the dot of musk;

स मन्द हसितेक्षणां :  with looks soft and smiling;

स शर चाप पाशाङ्कुशां :  bearing arrows, bow, snare and goad;

अशेष जन मोहिनीं : deluding the entire people;

अरुण माल्य भूशाम्बरां :  wearing (decorating her body with)

red garments;

जपाकुसुम भासुरां : shining with the japA flower\

NOTE: This particular shlokam is considered very sacred, and it

is included  in the ᳚dhyANa shlokaM᳚ segment of both lalitA

sahasranAmaM, as well as  lalitA trishati.



 पुरन्दरपुरंध्रिकां चिकुरबन्धसैरंध्रिकां

 पितामहपतिव्रतां पटपटीरचर्चारताम् ।

 मुकुन्दरमणीमणीं लसदलङ्क्रियाकारिणीं

 भजामि भुवनांबिकां सुरवधूटिकाचेटिकाम् ॥ ८॥




(अहं) : I;

भुवनाम्बिकां :  mother of the entire world (dvitIya vibhakti);

भजामि : worship (salute) The remaining words qualify the noun ᳚ambikAM᳚;

पुरन्दर पुरंध्रिकां :   ruling over the entire srI puraM;

चिकुर बन्ध सैरन्ध्रिकां : who has the celestial queen for plaiting tresses;

पितामह पतिव्रतां : consort of Lord brahma;

पट पटीर चर्चा रतां :  skilful for anointing sandal paste;

मुकुन्द रमणी मनीं : gem of vishNu's spouse;

लसद् अलंकृया कारिणीं : adorning with lustrous  gems;

सुरवधूटिका चेटिकां : having heavenly damsels for servant maids.


 ॥ इति  त्रिपुरसुन्दरि अष्टकम् सम्पूर्णम् ॥

माँ त्रिपुर सुंदरी माता आप सभी की हर मनोकामना पूर्ण करे आप सभी स्वस्थ व प्रसन्न रहें.....
संस्कारधानी जबलपुर

दशमहाविद्या अर्थात महान विद्या रूपी देवी। महाविद्या, देवी दुर्गा के दस रूप हैं, जो अधिकांश तान्त्रिक साधकों द्वारा पूजे जाते हैं, परन्तु साधारण भक्तों को भी अचूक सिद्धि प्रदान करने वाली है। इन्हें दस महाविद्या के नाम से भी जाना जाता है।बस इसके लिए कठिन परिश्रम और एक काबिल गुरु की आवशकता हैं।


महाविद्या विचार का विकास शक्तिवाद के इतिहास में एक नया अध्याय बना जिसने इस विश्वास को पोषित किया कि सर्व शक्तिमान् एक नारी है।जैसे की दुर्गा और उसके १० रूप।


शाक्त भक्तों के अनुसार “दस रूपों में समाहित एक सत्य कि व्याख्या है – महाविद्या” जो कि जगदम्बा के दस लोकिक व्यक्तित्वों की व्याख्या करते है। महविद्याएँ तान्त्रिक प्रकृति की मानी जातीं हैं जो श्री देवीभागवत पुराण के अनुसार महाविद्याओं की उत्पत्ति भगवान शिव और उनकी पत्नी सती, जो कि पार्वती का पूर्वजन्म थीं, के बीच एक विवाद के कारण हुई। जब शिव और सती का विवाह हुआ तो सती के पिता दक्ष प्रजापति दोनों के विवाह से खुश नहीं थे। उन्होंने शिव का अपमान करने के उद्देश्य से एक विशाल यज्ञ का आयोजन किया, जिसमें उन्होंने सभी देवी-देवताओं को आमन्त्रित किया, द्वेषवश उन्होंने अपने जामाता भगवान शंकर और अपनी पुत्री सती को निमन्त्रित नहीं किया। सती पिता के द्वार आयोजित यज्ञ में जाने की जिद करने लगीं जिसे शिव ने अनसुना कर दिया, जब तक कि सती ने स्वयं को एक भयानक रूप मे परिवर्तित (महाकाली का अवतार) कर लिया। जिसे एख भगवन शिव भागने को उद्यत हुए। अपने पति को डरा हुआ जानकर माता सती उन्हें रोकने लगी। तो शिव जिस दिशा में उस दिशा में माँ का विग्रह रोकता है। इस प्रकार दशो दिशाओं में माँ ने ओ रूप लिए थे वो ही दस महाविद्या कहलाई। तत्पश्चात् देवी दस रूपों में विभाजित हो गयी जिनसे वह शिव के विरोध को हराकर यज्ञ में भाग लेने गयीं। वहाँ पहुँचने के बाद माता सती एवं उनके पिता के बीच विवाद हुआ।।।




शिव उवाच

शृणु देवि प्रवक्ष्यामि, कुञ्जिकास्तोत्रमुत्तमम्।

येन मन्त्रप्रभावेण चण्डीजापः शुभो भवेत॥1

कवचं नार्गलास्तोत्रं कीलकं रहस्यकम्।

सूक्तं नापि ध्यानं न्यासो वार्चनम्॥2

कुञ्जिकापाठमात्रेण दुर्गापाठफलं लभेत्।

अति गुह्यतरं देवि देवानामपि दुर्लभम्॥3

गोपनीयं प्रयत्‍‌नेनस्वयोनिरिव पार्वति।

मारणं मोहनं वश्यंस्तम्भनोच्चाटनादिकम्।

पाठमात्रेण संसिद्ध्येत्कुञ्जिकास्तोत्रमुत्तमम्॥4

अथ मन्त्रः


ऐं ह्रीं क्लींचामुण्डायै विच्चे॥

ग्लौं हुं क्लीं जूं सः ज्वालयज्वालय ज्वल ज्वल प्रज्वल प्रज्वल

ऐं ह्रीं क्लीं चामुण्डायै विच्चे ज्वलहं सं लं क्षं फट् स्वाहा॥

इति मन्त्रः


नमस्ते रूद्ररूपिण्यै नमस्ते मधुमर्दिनि।

नमः कैटभहारिण्यै नमस्ते महिषार्दिनि॥1

नमस्ते शुम्भहन्त्र्यै निशुम्भासुरघातिनि।

जाग्रतं हि महादेवि जपं सिद्धं कुरूष्व मे॥2

ऐंकारी सृष्टिरूपायै ह्रींकारी प्रतिपालिका।

क्लींकारी कामरूपिण्यै बीजरूपे नमोऽस्तु ते॥3

चामुण्डा चण्डघाती यैकारी वरदायिनी।

विच्चे चाभयदा नित्यं नमस्ते मन्त्ररूपिणि॥4

धां धीं धूं धूर्जटेः पत्‍‌नी वां वीं वूं वागधीश्वरी।

क्रां क्रीं क्रूं कालिका देवि शां शीं शूं मे शुभं कुरु॥5

हुं हुं हुंकाररूपिण्यै जं जं जं जम्भनादिनी।

भ्रां भ्रीं भ्रूं भैरवी भद्रे भवान्यै ते नमो नमः॥6

अं कं चं टं तं पं यं शं वीं दुं ऐं वीं हं क्षं।

धिजाग्रं धिजाग्रं त्रोटय त्रोटय दीप्तं कुरु कुरु स्वाहा॥7

पां पीं पूं पार्वती पूर्णा खां खीं खूं खेचरी तथा।

सां सीं सूं सप्तशती देव्या मन्त्रसिद्धिं कुरुष्व मे॥8

इदं तु कुञ्जिकास्तोत्रंमन्त्रजागर्तिहेतवे।

अभक्ते नैव दातव्यंगोपितं रक्ष पार्वति॥

यस्तु कुञ्जिकाया देविहीनां सप्तशतीं पठेत्।

तस्य जायतेसिद्धिररण्ये रोदनं यथा॥

इति श्रीरुद्रयामले गौरीतन्त्रे शिवपार्वतीसंवादे कुञ्जिकास्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम्


यह स्तोत्र श्रीरुद्रयामल के गौरी तंत्र में शिव पार्वती संवाद के नाम से उदधृत है. दुर्गा सप्तशती (Durga sapshati) का पाठ थोड़ा कठिन है. ऐसे में कुंजिका स्तोत्र का पाठ ज्यादा सरल भी है और ज्यादा प्रभावशाली भी है. मात्र कुंजिका स्तोत्र के पाठ से सप्तशती के सम्पूर्ण पाठ का फल मिल जाता है.


इसके मंत्र स्वतः सिद्ध किए हुए हैं. इसलिए इन्हें अलग से सिद्ध करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है. यह अद्भुत स्तोत्र है, जिसका प्रभाव बहुत चमत्कारी है. इसके नियमित रूप से पाठ से समस्त मनोकामनाओं की पूर्ति हो जाती है. नवरात्र में यदि इसका पाठ किया जाए तो और शुभ होगा.


सिद्ध कुंजिका स्तोत्र के 5 लाभ

सिद्ध कुंजिका स्तोत्र का पाठ बहुत फायदेमंद है. व्यक्ति को वाणी और मन की शक्ति मिलती है. व्यक्ति के अंदर असीम ऊर्जा का संचार होता है. व्यक्ति को खराब ग्रहों के प्रभाव से छुटकारा मिलता है. जीवन में धन समृद्धि मिलती है. तंत्र-मंत्र की नकारात्मक ऊर्जा का असर नहीं होता है.


सिद्ध कुंजिका स्तोत्र का पाठ कैसे करें?

शाम के समय या रात्रि के समय इसका पाठ करें तो उत्तम होगा. देवी के समक्ष एक दीपक जलाएं. इसके बाद लाल आसन पर बैठें. लाल वस्त्र धारण कर सकें तो और भी उत्तम होगा. इसके बाद देवी को प्रणाम करके संकल्प लें. फिर कुंजिका स्तोत्र का पाठ करें. कुंजिका स्तोत्र का पाठ करने वाले साधक को पवित्रता का पालन करना चाहिए.


The Khadgamala (Khaḍgamālā, Sanskrit: खड्गमाला, "Garland of the Sword") is an invocational mantra that names each of the Devi Hindu goddesses according to their place in the Sri Yantra or in the Maha Meru.

This list of divine names is described poetically as a "garland" (Sanskrit: mālā). The sword (Sanskrit: khaḍga) is an epithet for the Devi's "power to strike down desire, hatred, and delusion".

This recitation of mantra is a spiritual practice of Hindu tantra.


Devi Khadgamala Stotram – śrī dēvī khaḍgamālā stōtraṁ


prārthanā |

hrīṅkārāsanagarbhitānalaśikhāṁ sauḥ klīṁ kalāṁ bibhratīṁ

sauvarṇāmbaradhāriṇīṁ varasudhādhautāṁ triṇētrōjjvalām |

vandē pustakapāśamaṅkuśadharāṁ sragbhūṣitāmujjvalāṁ

tvāṁ gaurīṁ tripurāṁ parātparakalāṁ śrīcakrasañcāriṇīm ||


asya śrīśuddhaśaktimālāmahāmantrasya, upasthēndriyādhiṣṭhāyī varuṇāditya r̥ṣiḥ, daivī gāyatrī chandaḥ, sāttvika kakārabhaṭ-ṭārakapīṭhasthita kāmēśvarāṅkanilayā mahākāmēśvarī śrī lalitā bhaṭ-ṭārikā dēvatā, aiṁ bījaṁ klīṁ śaktiḥ sauḥ kīlakaṁ mama

khaḍgasiddhyarthē sarvābhīṣṭasiddhyarthē japē viniyōgaḥ |

mūlamantrēṇa ṣaḍaṅganyāsaṁ kuryāt ||


dhyānam |

āraktābhāṁ trinētrāmaruṇimavasanāṁ ratnatāṭaṅkaramyāṁ |

hastāmbhōjaissapāśāṅkuśamadana dhanussāyakairvisphurantīm |

āpīnōttuṅgavakṣōruhakalaśaluṭhattārahārōjjvalāṅgīṁ |

dhyāyēdambhōruhasthāmaruṇimavasanāmīśvarīmīśvarāṇām ||


lamityādi pañca pūjāṁ kuryāt, yathāśakti mūlamantraṁ japēt |


laṁ – pr̥thivītattvātmikāyai śrīlalitātripurasundarī parābhaṭ-ṭārikāyai gandhaṁ

parikalpayāmi – namaḥ

haṁ – ākāśatattvātmikāyai śrīlalitātripurasundarī parābhaṭ-ṭārikāyai puṣpaṁ

parikalpayāmi – namaḥ

yaṁ – vāyutattvātmikāyai śrīlalitātripurasundarī parābhaṭ-ṭārikāyai dhūpaṁ

parikalpayāmi – namaḥ

raṁ – tējastattvātmikāyai śrīlalitātripurasundarī parābhaṭ-ṭārikāyai dīpaṁ

parikalpayāmi – namaḥ

vaṁ – amr̥tatattvātmikāyai śrīlalitātripurasundarī parābhaṭ-ṭārikāyai

amr̥tanaivēdyaṁ parikalpayāmi – namaḥ

saṁ – sarvatattvātmikāyai śrīlalitātripurasundarī parābhaṭ-ṭārikāyai

tāmbūlādisarvōpacārān parikalpayāmi – namaḥ


(śrīdēvī sambōdhanaṁ-1)

ōṁ aiṁ hrīṁ śrīṁ aiṁ klīṁ sauḥ ōṁ namastripurasundari |



hr̥dayadēvi, śirōdēvi, śikhādēvi, kavacadēvi, nētradēvi, astradēvi,



kāmēśvari, bhagamālini, nityaklinnē, bhēruṇḍē, vahnivāsini, mahāvajrēśvari, śivadūti, tvaritē, kulasundari, nityē, nīlapatākē, vijayē, sarvamaṅgalē, jvālāmālini, citrē, mahānityē,



paramēśvaraparamēśvari, mitrēśamayi, ṣaṣṭhīśamayi, uḍḍīśamayi, caryānāthamayi, lōpāmudrāmayi, agastyamayi,



kālatāpanamayi, dharmācāryamayi, muktakēśīśvaramayi, dīpakalānāthamayi,



viṣṇudēvamayi, prabhākaradēvamayi, tējōdēvamayi, manōjadēvamayi, kalyāṇadēvamayi, vāsudēvamayi, ratnadēvamayi, śrīrāmānandamayi,


(śrīcakra prathamāvaraṇadēvatāḥ-30)

aṇimāsiddhē, laghimāsiddhē, [garimāsiddhē], mahimāsiddhē, īśitvasiddhē, vaśitvasiddhē, prākāmyasiddhē, bhuktisiddhē, icchāsiddhē, prāptisiddhē, sarvakāmasiddhē, brāhmi, māhēśvari, kaumāri, vaiṣṇavi, vārāhi, māhēndri, cāmuṇḍē, mahālakṣmi, sarvasaṅkṣōbhiṇī, sarvavidrāviṇī, sarvākarṣiṇī, sarvavaśaṅkari, sarvōnmādini, sarvamahāṅkuśē, sarvakhēcari, sarvabījē, sarvayōnē, sarvatrikhaṇḍē, trailōkyamōhanacakrasvāmini, prakaṭayōgini,


(śrīcakra dvitīyāvaraṇadēvatāḥ-18)

kāmākarṣiṇi, buddhyākarṣiṇi, ahaṅkārākarṣiṇi, śabdākarṣiṇi, sparśākarṣiṇi, rūpākarṣiṇi, rasākarṣiṇi, gandhākarṣiṇi, cittākarṣiṇi, dhairyākarṣiṇi, smr̥tyākarṣiṇi, nāmākarṣiṇi, bījākarṣiṇi, ātmākarṣiṇi, amr̥tākarṣiṇi, śarīrākarṣiṇi, sarvāśāparipūrakacakrasvāmini, guptayōgini,


(śrīcakra tr̥tīyāvaraṇadēvatāḥ-10)

anaṅgakusumē, anaṅgamēkhalē, anaṅgamadanē, anaṅgamadanāturē, anaṅgarēkhē, anaṅgavēgini, anaṅgāṅkuśē, anaṅgamālini, sarvasaṅkṣōbhaṇacakrasvāmini, guptatarayōgini,


(śrīcakra caturthāvaraṇadēvatāḥ-16)

sarvasaṅkṣōbhiṇi, sarvavidrāviṇi, sarvākarṣiṇi, sarvahlādini, sarvasammōhini, sarvastambhini, sarvajr̥mbhiṇi, sarvavaśaṅkari, sarvarañjani, sarvōnmādini, sarvārthasādhikē, sarvasampattipūraṇi, sarvamantramayi, sarvadvandvakṣayaṅkari, sarvasaubhāgyadāyakacakrasvāmini, sampradāyayōgini,


(śrīcakra pañcamāvaraṇadēvatāḥ-12)

sarvasiddhipradē, sarvasampatpradē, sarvapriyaṅkari, sarvamaṅgalakāriṇi, sarvakāmapradē, sarvaduḥkhavimōcani, sarvamr̥tyupraśamani, sarvavighnanivāriṇi, sarvāṅgasundari,

sarvasaubhāgyadāyini, sarvārthasādhakacakrasvāmini, kulōttīrṇayōgini,


(śrīcakra ṣaṣṭhāvaraṇadēvatāḥ-12)

sarvajñē, sarvaśaktē, sarvaiśvaryapradāyini, sarvajñānamayi, sarvavyādhivināśini, sarvādhārasvarūpē, sarvapāpaharē, sarvānandamayi, sarvarakṣāsvarūpiṇi, sarvēpsitaphalapradē, sarvarakṣākaracakrasvāmini, nigarbhayōgini,


(śrīcakra saptamāvaraṇadēvatāḥ-10)

vaśini, kāmēśvari, mōdini, vimalē, aruṇē, jayini, sarvēśvari, kaulini, sarvarōgaharacakrasvāmini, rahasyayōgini,


(śrīcakra aṣṭamāvaraṇadēvatāḥ-9)

bāṇini, cāpini, pāśini, aṅkuśini, mahākāmēśvari, mahāvajrēśvari, mahābhagamālini, sarvasiddhipradacakrasvāmini, atirahasyayōgini,


(śrīcakra navamāvaraṇadēvatāḥ-3)

śrīśrīmahābhaṭ-ṭārikē, sarvānandamayacakrasvāmini, parāpararahasyayōgini,


(navacakrēśvarī nāmāni-9)

tripurē, tripurēśi, tripurasundari, tripuravāsini, tripurāśrīḥ, tripuramālini, tripurāsiddhē, tripurāmba, mahātripurasundari,


(śrīdēvī viśēṣaṇāni, namaskāranavākṣarī ca-9)

mahāmahēśvari, mahāmahārājñi, mahāmahāśaktē, mahāmahāguptē, mahāmahājñaptē, mahāmahānandē, mahāmahāskandhē, mahāmahāśayē, mahāmahā śrīcakranagarasāmrājñi namastē namastē namastē namaḥ |


phalaśrutiḥ |

ēṣā vidyā mahāsiddhidāyinī smr̥timātrataḥ |

agnivātamahākṣōbhē rājārāṣṭrasya viplavē ||


luṇṭhanē taskarabhayē saṅgrāmē salilaplavē |

samudrayānavikṣōbhē bhūtaprētādikē bhayē ||


apasmārajvaravyādhi-mr̥tyukṣāmādijē bhayē |

śākinī pūtanāyakṣarakṣaḥkūśmāṇḍajē bhayē ||


mitrabhēdē grahabhayē vyasanēṣvābhicārikē |

anyēṣvapi ca dōṣēṣu mālāmantraṁ smarēnnaraḥ ||


sarvōpadravanirmukta-ssākṣācchivamayōbhavēt |

āpatkālē nityapūjāṁ vistārātkartumārabhēt ||


ēkavāraṁ japadhyānam sarvapūjāphalaṁ labhēt |

navāvaraṇadēvīnāṁ lalitāyā mahaujasaḥ ||


ēkatragaṇanārūpō vēdavēdāṅgagōcaraḥ |

sarvāgamarahasyārthaḥ smaraṇātpāpanāśinī ||


lalitāyā mahēśānyā mālā vidyāmahīyasī |

naravaśyaṁ narēndrāṇāṁ vaśyaṁ nārīvaśaṅkaram ||


aṇimādiguṇaiśvaryaṁ rañjanaṁ pāpabhañjanam |

tattadāvaraṇasthāyi dēvatābr̥ndamantrakam ||


mālāmantraṁ paraṁ guhyaṁ paraṁ-dhāma prakīrtitam |

śaktimālā pañcadhā syācchivamālā ca tādr̥śī ||


tasmādgōpyatarādgōpyaṁ rahasyaṁ bhuktimuktidam ||


iti śrīvāmakēśvaratantrē umāmahēśvarasaṁvādē śrī dēvīkhaḍgamālāstōtraratnam

samāptam |


श्री देवी प्रार्थन


ह्रीङ्कारासनगर्भितानलशिखां सौः क्लीं कलां बिभ्रतीं

सौवर्णाम्बरधारिणीं वरसुधाधौतां त्रिनेत्रोज्ज्वलाम् |

वन्दे पुस्तकपाशमङ्कुशधरां स्रग्भूषितामुज्ज्वलां

त्वां गौरीं त्रिपुरां परात्परकलां श्रीचक्रसञ्चारिणीम् ‖


अस्य श्री शुद्धशक्तिमालामहामन्त्रस्य, उपस्थेन्द्रियाधिष्ठायी वरुणादित्य ऋषयः देवी गायत्री छन्दः सात्विक ककारभट्टारकपीठस्थित कामेश्वराङ्कनिलया महाकामेश्वरी श्री ललिता भट्टारिका देवता, ऐं बीजं क्लीं शक्तिः, सौः कीलकं मम खड्गसिद्ध्यर्थे सर्वाभीष्टसिद्ध्यर्थे जपे विनियोगः, मूलमन्त्रेण षडङ्गन्यासं कुर्यात् |




आरक्ताभान्त्रिणेत्रामरुणिमवसनां रत्नताटङ्करम्याम्

हस्ताम्भोजैस्सपाशाङ्कुशमदनधनुस्सायकैर्विस्फुरन्तीम् |


ध्यायेदम्भोरुहस्थामरुणिमवसनामीश्वरीमीश्वराणाम् ‖


लमित्यादिपञ्च पूजाम् कुर्यात्, यथाशक्ति मूलमन्त्रम् जपेत् |


लं - पृथिवीतत्त्वात्मिकायै श्री ललितात्रिपुरसुन्दरी पराभट्टारिकायै गन्धं परिकल्पयामि - नमः

हं - आकाशतत्त्वात्मिकायै श्री ललितात्रिपुरसुन्दरी पराभट्टारिकायै पुष्पं परिकल्पयामि - नमः

यं - वायुतत्त्वात्मिकायै श्री ललितात्रिपुरसुन्दरी पराभट्टारिकायै धूपं परिकल्पयामि - नमः

रं - तेजस्तत्त्वात्मिकायै श्री ललितात्रिपुरसुन्दरी पराभट्टारिकायै दीपं परिकल्पयामि - नमः

वं - अमृततत्त्वात्मिकायै श्री ललितात्रिपुरसुन्दरी पराभट्टारिकायै अमृतनैवेद्यं परिकल्पयामि - नमः

सं - सर्वतत्त्वात्मिकायै श्री ललितात्रिपुरसुन्दरी पराभट्टारिकायै ताम्बूलादिसर्वोपचारान् परिकल्पयामि - नमः


श्री देवी सम्बोधनं (1)

ॐ ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं ऐं क्लीं सौः ॐ नमस्त्रिपुरसुन्दरी,


न्यासाङ्गदेवताः (6)

हृदयदेवी, शिरोदेवी, शिखादेवी, कवचदेवी, नेत्रदेवी, अस्त्रदेवी,


तिथिनित्यादेवताः (16)

कामेश्वरी, भगमालिनी, नित्यक्लिन्ने, भेरुण्डे, वह्निवासिनी, महावज्रेश्वरी, शिवदूती, त्वरिते, कुलसुन्दरी, नित्ये, नीलपताके, विजये, सर्वमङ्गले, ज्वालामालिनी, चित्रे, महानित्ये,


दिव्यौघ्गुरवः (7)

परमेश्वर, परमेश्वरी, मित्रेशमयी, उड्डीशमयी, चर्यानाथमयी, लोपामुद्रमयी, अगस्त्यमयी,


सिद्धौघ्गुरवः (4)

कालतापशमयी, धर्माचार्यमयी, मुक्तकेशीश्वरमयी, दीपकलानाथमयी,


मानवौघ्गुरवः (8)

विष्णुदेवमयी, प्रभाकरदेवमयी, तेजोदेवमयी, मनोजदेवमयि, कल्याणदेवमयी, वासुदेवमयी, रत्नदेवमयी, श्रीरामानन्दमयी,


श्रीचक्र प्रथमावरणदेवताः

अणिमासिद्धे, लघ्मासिद्धे, गरिमासिद्धे, महिमासिद्धे, ईशित्वसिद्धे, वशित्वसिद्धे, प्राकाम्यसिद्धे, भुक्तिसिद्धे, इच्छासिद्धे, प्राप्तिसिद्धे, सर्वकामसिद्धे, ब्राह्मी, माहेश्वरी, कौमारि, वैष्णवी, वाराही, माहेन्द्री, चामुण्डे, महालक्ष्मी, सर्वसङ्क्षोभिणी, सर्वविद्राविणी, सर्वाकर्षिणी, सर्ववशङ्करी, सर्वोन्मादिनी, सर्वमहाङ्कुशे, सर्वखेचरी, सर्वबीजे, सर्वयोने, सर्वत्रिखण्डे, त्रैलोक्यमोहन चक्रस्वामिनी, प्रकटयोगिनी,


श्रीचक्र द्वितीयावरणदेवताः

कामाकर्षिणी, बुद्ध्याकर्षिणी, अहङ्काराकर्षिणी, शब्दाकर्षिणी, स्पर्शाकर्षिणी, रूपाकर्षिणी, रसाकर्षिणी, गन्धाकर्षिणी, चित्ताकर्षिणी, धैर्याकर्षिणी, स्मृत्याकर्षिणी, नामाकर्षिणी, बीजाकर्षिणी, आत्माकर्षिणी, अमृताकर्षिणी, शरीराकर्षिणी, सर्वाशापरिपूरक चक्रस्वामिनी, गुप्तयोगिनी,


श्रीचक्र तृतीयावरणदेवताः

अनङ्गकुसुमे, अनङ्गमेखले, अनङ्गमदने, अनङ्गमदनातुरे, अनङ्गरेखे, अनङ्गवेगिनी, अनङ्गाङ्कुशे, अनङ्गमालिनी, सर्वसङ्क्षोभणचक्रस्वामिनी, गुप्ततरयोगिनी,


श्रीचक्र चतुर्थावरणदेवताः

सर्वसङ्क्षोभिणी, सर्वविद्राविनी, सर्वाकर्षिणी, सर्वह्लादिनी, सर्वसम्मोहिनी, सर्वस्तम्भिनी, सर्वजृम्भिणी, सर्ववशङ्करी, सर्वरञ्जनी, सर्वोन्मादिनी, सर्वार्थसाधिके, सर्वसम्पत्तिपूरिणी, सर्वमन्त्रमयी, सर्वद्वन्द्वक्षयङ्करी, सर्वसौभाग्यदायक चक्रस्वामिनी, सम्प्रदाययोगिनी,


श्रीचक्र पञ्चमावरणदेवताः

सर्वसिद्धिप्रदे, सर्वसम्पत्प्रदे, सर्वप्रियङ्करी, सर्वमङ्गलकारिणी, सर्वकामप्रदे, सर्वदुःखविमोचनी, सर्वमृत्युप्रशमनि, सर्वविघनिवारिणी, सर्वाङ्गसुन्दरी, सर्वसौभाग्यदायिनी, सर्वार्थसाधक चक्रस्वामिनी, कुलोत्तीर्णयोगिनी,


श्रीचक्र षष्टावरणदेवताः

सर्वज्ञे, सर्वशक्ते, सर्वैश्वर्यप्रदायिनी, सर्वज्ञानमयी, सर्वव्याधिविनाशिनी, सर्वाधारस्वरूपे, सर्वपापहरे, सर्वानन्दमयी, सर्वरक्षास्वरूपिणी, सर्वेप्सितफलप्रदे, सर्वरक्षाकरचक्रस्वामिनी, निगर्भयोगिनी,


श्रीचक्र सप्तमावरणदेवताः

वशिनी, कामेश्वरी, मोदिनी, विमले, अरुणे, जयिनी, सर्वेश्वरी, कौलिनि, सर्वरोगहरचक्रस्वामिनी, रहस्ययोगिनी,


श्रीचक्र अष्टमावरणदेवताः

बाणिनी, चापिनी, पाशिनी, अङ्कुशिनी, महाकामेश्वरी, महावज्रेश्वरी, महाभगमालिनी, सर्वसिद्धिप्रदचक्रस्वामिनी, अतिरहस्ययोगिनी,


श्रीचक्र नवमावरणदेवताः

श्री श्री महाभट्टारिके, सर्वानन्दमयचक्रस्वामिनी, परापररहस्ययोगिनी,


नवचक्रेश्वरी नामानि

त्रिपुरे, त्रिपुरेशी, त्रिपुरसुन्दरी, त्रिपुरवासिनी, त्रिपुराश्रीः, त्रिपुरमालिनी, त्रिपुरसिद्धे, त्रिपुराम्बा, महात्रिपुरसुन्दरी,


श्रीदेवी विशेषणानि - नमस्कारनवाक्षरीच

महामहेश्वरी, महामहाराज्ञी, महामहाशक्ते, महामहागुप्ते, महामहाज्ञप्ते, महामहानन्दे, महामहास्कन्धे, महामहाशये, महामहा श्रीचक्रनगरसाम्राज्ञी, नमस्ते नमस्ते नमस्ते नमः |




एषा विद्या महासिद्धिदायिनी स्मृतिमात्रतः |

अग्निवातमहाक्षोभे राजाराष्ट्रस्यविप्लवे ‖


लुण्ठने तस्करभये सङ्ग्रामे सलिलप्लवे |

समुद्रयानविक्षोभे भूतप्रेतादिके भये ‖


अपस्मारज्वरव्याधिमृत्युक्षामादिजेभये |

शाकिनी पूतनायक्षरक्षःकूष्माण्डजे भये ‖


मित्रभेदे ग्रहभये व्यसनेष्वाभिचारिके |

अन्येष्वपि च दोषेषु मालामन्त्रं स्मरेन्नरः ‖


तादृशं खड्गमाप्नोति येन हस्तस्थितेनवै |

अष्टादशमहाद्वीपसम्राड्भोक्ताभविष्यति ‖


सर्वोपद्रवनिर्मुक्तस्साक्षाच्छिवमयोभवेत् |

आपत्काले नित्यपूजां विस्तारात्कर्तुमारभेत् ‖


एकवारं जपध्यानम् सर्वपूजाफलं लभेत् |

नवावरणदेवीनां ललिताया महौजनः ‖


एकत्र गणनारूपो वेदवेदाङ्गगोचरः |

सर्वागमरहस्यार्थः स्मरणात्पापनाशिनी ‖


ललितायामहेशान्या माला विद्या महीयसी |

नरवश्यं नरेन्द्राणां वश्यं नारीवशङ्करम् ‖


अणिमादिगुणैश्वर्यं रञ्जनं पापभञ्जनम् |

तत्तदावरणस्थायि देवताबृन्दमन्त्रकम् ‖


मालामन्त्रं परं गुह्यं परं धाम प्रकीर्तितम् |

शक्तिमाला पञ्चधास्याच्छिवमाला च तादृशी ‖


तस्माद्गोप्यतराद्गोप्यं रहस्यं भुक्तिमुक्तिदम् ‖


‖ इति श्री वामकेश्वरतन्त्रे उमामहेश्वरसंवादे देवीखड्गमालास्तोत्ररत्नं समाप्तम् ‖





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भगवान कार्तिकेय की पूजा*Subrahmanya, known as Guru Kartikeya

 भगवान कार्तिकेय की पूजा*Subrahmanya, known as Guru Kartikeya.