Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Vivaah*विवाह संस्कार*Satphere*Saptapadi*सप्तपदी: हिंदु विवाह के 7 वचन*Hindu Marriage


Vivaah*विवाह संस्कार*Satphere*Saptapadi*सप्तपदी: हिंदु विवाह के 7 वचन

Vivāha (Sanskrit) or Vivaah is marriage as it is practiced by Hindus in the Indian subcontinent. The word vivāha originated as a sacred union of people as per Vedic traditions, i.e. what many call marriage, but based on cosmic laws and advanced ancient practices. Under Vedic Hindu traditions, marriage is viewed as one of the saṁskāras, which are lifelong commitments of one wife and one husband. In India, marriage has been looked upon as having been designed by the cosmos and considered as a "sacred oneness witnessed by fire itself."

In Hindu Scriptures, marriage has the following words which depict the union or bondage or oneness.

Panigrahana – Holding hands in every situation.

Kalyana – Auspicious occasion.

Udava – Bearing up, support the family and taking the girl from her father’s house with respect and permission.

Parinaya – Walking around the sacred fire with Vedic Mantras to witness the ritual.

Upayama – to bring oneself to the near and dear and evolve self in the other soul.

Saptapadi: 7 Magical Vow of Hindu Marriage-सप्तपदी: हिंदु विवाह को 7 वचन

Purpose of Marriage:

According to Rig Veda, marriage enables the man to become self-sufficient to perform the household duties, sacrifice its pleasure and procreate the sons.

Hence, Sapthapada Brahmana says further-

‘The wife is indeed half of one’s self; therefore as long as a man does not secure a wife so long he does not beget a son and so he is till then not complete (or whole), but when he secures a wife he gets progeny and then he becomes complete.

Further Marriages are for 4 reasons, according to the Rig Veda:

    Progeny (Praja)

    Sexual Pleasure (Rati Kriya)

    Happiness (Anandam)

    Companionship for Dharma (Dharma Sampatti)

The Hindu Law or Dharma Shastra and Grihya Sutra empathize/mentions 8 types of Marriages, out of those eight, three are majorly practised in INDIA.

1. Prajapataye: In this marriage, the parents of eligible bachelors who are highly qualified, healthy as per the Vedic class and the status quo of the family is extremely high and has good respect and stability in society, go to the family having same or nearby characteristics and approaches the girl’s father to initiate marriage. This is a major form of arranged marriage seen nowadays.

2. Brahma: In this type, the boy’s parents look for the girl having high Vedic knowledge and auspicious features with strong moral characteristics in a girl, approach her father for marriage. This is a typical arrangement of marriage that many families follow especially in Rajasthan, Gujarat and royal families.

3. Gandharva: In this arrangement, the two parties i.e adult-consent is taken but the major decision is undertaken by the bride and groom to choose their respective partner based on the parameters s/he is looking in her soulmate.

Once the decision is made, the person takes the family’s consent and make an arrangement for marriage. This arrangement was made in Vedic Age wherein A Swayamvar was made and the girl was allowed to choose her partner based on certain parameters which she will approve such as education, Vedic Gyan, archery, bravery, social status quo, royalty, etc.

4. Arsha: This is still practised in ancient and modern India and is strictly condemned by Hindu Shastra. Here, when the Bride does not have special qualities then Bridegroom will offer the bride’s parent special offer in any form, maybe money, properties, jewellery, etc (in ancient India, cattle was offered in the form of the bribe).

This custom is known as Sulka and currently practised and known as Dahej in Modern times. Although it is considered as a Crime by the Indian Law of Court it is still practised in many major cities and communities.

The 4th Marriage is practised in India as a form of sacrifice and compensation since the person is not capable enough to handle the finance and background is not that strong that people invite them for a sacred marriage proposal.

In Arsha, if the compensation is taken as a gift then it is considered as the best marriage else the in-laws will blame and abuse the girl throughout her life.

The 3rd form is still prevalent in India and in many communities in West and North India. In South Gujarat, there are many communities wherein the boy’s parents give a large amount to offer to girl parents for accepting the marriage. The more the daughter one has, the more is prosperity and respect in society.

Arranged Marriage and Compatibility:

Ancient Indian texts confirm that it is the duty of every parent that once the girl reaches puberty, parents should find a suitable bridegroom for the marriage.

Manu Smriti ( XI Chapter Sloka 90- 91 ) says it requires to wait for 3 years for a girl until she reaches the age of puberty and attains marriageable age. But if the parent does not find a suitable match for her then it is advisable and duty of the girl to find a match for herself.

This form was known as Gandharva Vivah in ancient India and now known as Love Marriage.

According to the traditional values and customs, the fulfilment of the requirement of this sacred marriage is to procreate and balance the life cycle.

Choosing a Partner in Marriage

Does Hindu Shastra give clear insight as to what should be the quality of Bride or Bridegroom?

Qualities of Groom (Boy)

 Shastra says One should seek 7 fine qualities in a bridegroom that is good family background, good moral character, physical appearance, reputation and respect in society, learning abilities, wealth and creation and a well-proven track record of support from family and friends.

Qualities of Bride (Girl)

Shastra says One should seek a girl who is endowed with beauty, intelligence, good moral character, other auspicious features and who is healthy in mind, body and soul level.

The Essence of Vedic Marriage are:

    Engagement ceremony involving parents.

    Formal Bestowal of the bride on the groom.

    Honouring of the groom by the bestower.

    Taking of the bride’s hand by the groom.

    The rites of seven steps which is known as Saath-Phere or Saptapadi.

Saptapadi (English: seven steps, saptapadī) is the most important rite (Sanskrit: rītī) of a Hindu marriage ceremony. The word, Saptapadi means "Seven steps". After tying the Mangalsutra, the newlywed couple take seven steps around the holy fire, that is called Saptapadi. After the seventh step, the couple legally become husband and wife.

Saptapadi is sometimes referred to as Saat Phere.

हिंदू संस्कारों में विवाह संस्कार बेहद अहम होता है। ऋग्वेद तथा अथर्ववेद में वैवाहिक विधि-विधानों की काव्यात्मक अभिव्यक्ति का वर्ण किया गया है। गृहस्थाश्रम का आधार ही विवाह संस्कार है। इस संस्कार के बाद वर-वधू अपने नए जीवन में प्रवेश करते हैं। यह केवल एक संस्कार नहीं है बल्कि यह एक पूरी व्यवस्था है। इसी संस्कार के बाद से मनुष्य के चार आश्रमों में से सबसे अहम आश्रम यानी गृहस्थ आश्रम का आरंभ होता है। इस संस्कार को समावर्तन संस्कार के बाद किया जाता है। अपनी शिक्षा दीक्षा को पूरा कर जातक गृहस्थ आश्रम की ओर बढ़ता है। इसी संस्कार से व्यक्ति पितृऋण से भी मुक्त हो जाता है।

विवाह संस्कार हिन्दू धर्म संस्कारों में 'त्रयोदश संस्कार' है। स्नातकोत्तर जीवन विवाह का समय होता है, अर्थात् विद्याध्ययन के पश्चात् विवाह करके गृहस्थाश्रम में प्रवेश करना होता है। यह संस्कार पितृ ऋण से उऋण होने के लिए किया जाता है। मनुष्य जन्म से ही तीन ऋणों से बंधकर जन्म लेता है- 'देव ऋण', 'ऋषि ऋण' और 'पितृ ऋण'। इनमें से अग्रिहोत्र अर्थात यज्ञादिक कार्यों से देव ऋण, वेदादिक शास्त्रों के अध्ययन से ऋषि ऋण और विवाहित पत्नी से पुत्रोत्पत्ति आदि के द्वारा पितृ ऋण से उऋण हुआ जाता है।


क्या है विवाह संस्कार:

 हिंदू धर्म में विवाह बेहद अहम होता है और वर-वधू समेत पूरे परिवार के लिए यह बहुत मायने रखता है। हिंदू धर्म में विवाह का बंधंन जन्म जन्मांतर का माना जाता है। श्रुति ग्रंथो में विवाह के स्वरूप को व्याख्यायित किया गाय है। इसमें कहा गया है कि दो शरीर, दो मन, दो बुद्धि, दो हृद्य, दो प्राण एवं दो आत्माएं का मेल ही विवाह है। ऐसा कहा जाता है कि जब जातक का जन्म होता है तब वो देव ऋण, ऋषि ऋण और पितृ ऋण का ऋणि होता है। ऐसे में देव ऋण चुकाने के लिए पूजा-पाठ, यज्ञ हवन आदि किए जाते हैं। फिर ऋषि ऋण से मुक्त होने के लिए वेदाध्यन संस्कार यानि गुरु से ज्ञान प्राप्त किया जाता है। वहीं, पितृ ऋण से मुक्त होने के लिए विवाह संस्कार का होना बेहद आवश्यक हो जाता है। यह ऋण तब तक नहीं उतरता जब तक जातक स्वयं पिता नहीं बन जाता। अत: शास्त्रानुसार पितृ ऋण से मुक्त होने के लिए विवाह संस्कार बेहद अहम है।

हिन्दू धर्म में विवाह को सोलह संस्कारों में से एक संस्कार माना गया है। विवाह दो शब्दों से मिलकर बना है- वि + वाह। अत: इसका शाब्दिक अर्थ है- "विशेष रूप से (उत्तरदायित्व का) वहन करना"। 'पाणिग्रहण संस्कार' को सामान्य रूप से 'हिन्दू विवाह' के नाम से जाना जाता है। अन्य धर्मों में विवाह पति और पत्नी के बीच एक प्रकार का करार होता है, जिसे विशेष परिस्थितियों में तोड़ा भी जा सकता है। परंतु हिन्दू विवाह पति और पत्नी के बीच जन्म-जन्मांतरों का सम्बंध होता है, जिसे किसी भी परिस्थिति में नहीं तोड़ा जा सकता। अग्नि के सात फेरे लेकर और ध्रुव तारे को साक्षी मान कर दो तन, मन तथा आत्मा एक पवित्र बंधन में बंध जाते हैं। हिन्दू विवाह में पति और पत्नी के बीच शारीरिक सम्बन्ध से अधिक आत्मिक सम्बन्ध होता है और इस सम्बन्ध को अत्यंत पवित्र माना गया है।


श्रुति का वचन है- दो शरीर, दो मन और बुद्धि, दो हृदय, दो प्राण व दो आत्माओं का समन्वय करके अगाध प्रेम के व्रत को पालन करने वाले दंपति उमा-महेश्वर के प्रेमादर्श को धारण करते हैं, यही विवाह का स्वरूप है। हिन्दू संस्कृति में विवाह कभी ना टूटने वाला एक परम पवित्र धार्मिक संस्कार है, यज्ञ है। विवाह में दो प्राणी (वर-वधू) अपने अलग अस्तित्वों को समाप्त कर, एक सम्मिलित इकाई का निर्माण करते हैं और एक-दूसरे को अपनी योग्यताओं एवं भावनाओं का लाभ पहुँचाते हुए गाड़ी में लगे दो पहियों की तरह प्रगति पथ पर बढते हैं। यानी विवाह दो आत्माओं का पवित्र बंधन है, जिसका उद्देश्य मात्र इंद्रिय-सुखभोग नही, बल्कि पुत्रोत्पादन, संतानोत्पादन कर एक परिवार की नींव डालना है।

Saptapadi is sometimes referred to as Saat Phere.


This portion of the ceremony takes places following the tying of the Mangalsutra and establishes the commitment the couple makes to each other during the Hindu wedding ceremony. Saptapadi quite literally translates from Sanskrit to ‘seven steps’.

The couple takes seven full circles, walking clockwise around the agni, representing the seven principles and promises they make to each other; each step is referred to as a ‘phere’. They are tied together with the dupattas, or chunis, from the Granthi Bandhanam ritual, which is used to keep the couple united as they make their rounds. Although there is no literal part of the ceremony that represents the Western mentality of vow exchanging, these seven steps parallel that ideal in that the couple ‘vows’ to successfully fulfill these principles during their married life.

Having strong mythological roots, it is only after these vows that the bride and the groom are pronounced as husband and wife for the next many lives to come.

While written in Sanskrit, four of the seven vows are recited by the groom while the remaining three by the bride. Hindu marriage traditions are incomplete with the mention of Saath Pheras and the couple is not considered married till they complete this ceremony. It is also the symbol of an eternal promise of companionship that keeps the bride and groom together for seven lifetimes. This important tradition has a number of variations as well in different cultures and regions, where there are three or four Pheras instead of seven. But regardless of it, it is one of the most significant and important parts of the Hindu marriage that all couples need to perform for a blissful journey ahead.


The 7 Vows of Hindu Marriage

1. The first vow is the prayer to the Lord for provision and nourishment 

The First Vow: The Groom vows to bride that he will be responsible for providing the nourishment, welfare and happiness to the wife and the children.

The Bride vows to the groom that she will take care of the family and household and will share his responsibility as her own.

‘May Lord Vishnu guide to nourishment’

“Om esha ekapadi bhava iti prathaman,dhanam dhanyam pade vader.”

This means that the couple vows for togetherness and nourishment for married life. Here, Couple prays to Lord Fire to bless with enough of food and nourishment for the upcoming life.

The couple, with the bride taking the lead seeks divine blessings in the form of pure, nourishing, and healthy food along with a respectful and noble life. The groom takes the pledge to provide for the welfare and happiness for his wife and children, and the bride promises to happily and equally shoulder all the responsibilities for the welfare of the groom and his family.

2. The second vow is for strength in sickness, health, good times or bad

The Second Vow: The Groom vows to bride that he will remain loyal and faithful to his wife and will stand by her throughout the thick and thins of life. He will be with her providing mental, physical and financial stability and security to her and family.

The Bride vows to the groom that she will willingly share the responsibility by helping him in every possible way and be ready to endure all with courage and strength.

‘May Lord Vishnu bestow you to good health.’

“Om oorje jara dastayaha ,kutumburn rakshyammi sa aravindharam.”

In the second step of Phera, the couple prays for a healthy lifestyle, timely meals which include exercise, avoiding bad habits like smoking, gambling, etc.

In the second step, the couple prays for the blessings of mental and emotional support from fire God and bestows with the spiritual strength which helps them to support each other /family in a critical time and also defend their family from all types of odds.

The couple pleads together to the Almighty to bless them with mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. The groom while requesting the bride to stand by him at all times makes a commitment to protect and provide security to their family. The bride agrees to be his strength while demanding undivided attention and eternal love.  

3. The third vow is for prosperity

The Third Vow: The Groom vows to bride that he will work hard putting all his efforts to bring wealth and prosperity in the house and giving education to their children.

The Bride vows to the groom that she will act responsibly in maintaining the resources and devote her love exceptionally to her husband and all other men would be secondary in her life. She will be loyal throughout life, maintaining chastity.

‘May Lord Vishnu guide to Prosperity and Security.’

In the third step of Phera, the couple prays and says when we are fit enough for performing good karma, bless us to achieve success and prosperity throughout life.

Here, the couple prays to share the happiness and wealth and if the couple wants to earn more, they work together towards the betterment of their future and bestow with wealth through which they can do charity and spiritual growth.

“Om rayas santu joradastyaha,tava bhaktu as vadedvachacha.”

While taking the third vow, the couple seeks wealth and prosperity so that they can live a comfortable and satisfying life. They also pledge to take care of their children and educate them. In the same Phera, the couple assures each other that will remain loyal to each other for the rest of their lives.

4. The fourth vow is for families; to stand by them through thick and thin

The Fourth Vow:

During this step, the groom thanks the bride for bringing happiness and sacredness in his life.

The Groom thanks to bride that through this sacred affair of marriage, she has made his life beautiful and complete and he vows to respect both set of families. He will respect her wishes and will include her in all his major decisions.

While in return, the bride swears to serve and please the groom to the best of her abilities. Together, the couple takes a vow to take care of and respect the elders in their family.

‘May Lord Vishnu guide you to consummate bliss.’

Here, the Shastra depicts that couples should be blessed with a central element for marriage life, i.e healthy sex life.

Here, the bride takes the lead and promises and prays to Fire God to bless with healthy children, she would love her husband in every possible way. The couple asks for love and bondage forever.

They also take a vow to respect each other and their families.

“Om mayo bhavyas jaradastayha, lalayami cha pade vadet.”

The Bride vows to groom that she will stand by his side in all rituals, family and religious commitments and will walk by his side giving her consent for his decisions. She will respect and regard his decisions and include his say in all her decisions. In case any danger intercepts his way, she will stand before him to save him and will be ready to sacrifice her life for him.

5. The fifth vow is for progeny

The Fifth Vow: The couple vows to be with each other sharing their happiness and sorrows with great understanding and care. They together pray to God to bless them with healthy children and they both will strive to nurture their children with enriching values and generous lifestyle.

‘Om prajabhyaha santu jaradastayaha, arte arba sapade vadet.’

‘May Lord Vishnu guide you to the welfare of the children and domestic animals.’

In the 5th Phera or step, the couple asks God for a blessing for 2 things, fertility for healthy children and cattle. Please note in ancient times more of properties and animals were said to signs of prosperity and investment.

The importance of the fifth vow is to seek blessings for their future progeny. While appealing to the god for strong and noble children, the couple also prays for the welfare of all the living beings on this Universe. They promise that as mother and father they will be solely responsible for the upbringing of their children. This is also the step starting which the groom takes the lead.

6. The sixth vow is for health; through sickness and in health

The Sixth Vow: The couple vows to love and respect each other and stand together in times of joy and grief. They together pray to seek the blessings of God to bestow them with healthy and long life filled with joy, peace and prosperity so that they can carry their duties and responsibilities towards each other.

‘May Lord Vishnu guide you to enjoyment according to the seasons.’

“Rutubhyah shat padi bhava, yajne home shashthe vacho vadet.”

In the 6th Phera or 6th Vow, it is said that the couple asks for the enjoyment of life whereas the bride takes responsibilities i.e playing together, vacation together and enjoying the good things of life together is called an essential element for happy marriage life.

In this step of saptapadi, the couple prays almighty for long life togetherness. Here, Bride and Groom say to each other, “you have added immense bliss to my life by entering into this sacred ceremony, I wish you will always be with me by my side throughout my life.”

Nowadays, one aspires and moving to investment in the form of savings account, mutual funds, rented house, etc. Hence, the couple asks for blessings of good finance to lead a healthier and happy married life.

In the sixth vow, the bride and the groom together invoke the Almighty to bless them with a healthy and disease-free life. The groom makes a wish in which he desires that his wife would fill his life with joy and peace; while the bride provides assurance to the groom that she would willingly participate with him in all his noble and divine acts.

7. The seventh vow is for love and friendship

The Seventh Vow: The couple vows together that through this ritual of Sacred Seven Vows, they have become husband and wife uniting their soul. They are united with a divine thread of togetherness and they will love each other and be there for each other till eternity. They as a couple will walk together as great companions, sharing each and everything of life, honouring and loving each other unconditionally. They promise to abide by all the holy seven vows with pure and honest intentions that they have promised during the ritual of marriage.

‘May Lord Vishnu guide you to in the actualization of your sevenfold spiritual energies.’

“Om sakhi jaradastayaha aatramshe sakshino vadet pade.”

In the 7th Phera or 7th Vow, it is said that realizing the ultimate purpose of life is spiritual evolution, i.e higher consciousness and unfold the potential of human life like mind, body, intelligence, strong will power and spiritual blessing from mentors and monks.

In this step, a couple enters into a new relationship of friendship and binds together, which keeps long-lasting. May this friendship binds them together, the intentions be of one accord, may the radiance be one, and mind gets united.

Let the couple united in harmony, affection, radiant with kind thoughts, which gives strength and enjoyment, hereby let our mind get united minds, bodies, spirits and hearts.

While taking the last vow, the couple pleads for a long-lasting relationship, enriched with love, understanding, and loyalty. They take an oath to remain friends forever and stand by each other not only in this life but in the many lives to come.

From Groom to Bride :

ॐ एकमिशे  विष्णु: त्वा नयतु । सा माम अनुमृता भव।  - Be my Home's Annapurna.

ॐ द्वे उर्जे विष्णु: त्वा नयतु । सा माम अनुमृता भव।  - Make all family members powerful.

ॐ त्रीणि राय्स्पोशाय विष्णु: त्वा नयतु । सा माम अनुमृता भव।  - Be Wealth increaser.

ॐ चत्वारि मायोभवाय  विष्णु: त्वा नयतु । सा माम अनुमृता भव।  - Make our home cheerful.

ॐ पञ्च पशुभ्यो विष्णु: त्वा नयतु । सा माम अनुमृता भव।  - Your presence makes our animals protected.

ॐ षड रुतुभ्यों विष्णु: त्वा नयतु । सा माम अनुमृता भव।  - In all seasons, our married life remain cheerful.

ॐ सखे सप्तपदा भव । सा माम अनुमृता भव।  विष्णु: त्वा नयतु ।   

Step 1. Groom: My beloved, our love became firm by walking one step with me. You will offer me the food and be helpful in every way. I will cherish you and provide for the welfare and happiness of you and our children.

Step 1. Bride: This is my humble submission to you, my lord . You kindly gave me responsibility of the home, food and taking charge of the finance. I promise you that I shall discharge all responsibilities for the welfare of the family and children.

Step 2. Groom: My beloved, you have now walked the second step with me. Fill my heart with strength and courage and together we shall protect the household and children.

Step 2. Bride: My lord, in your grief, I shall fill your heart with strength, In your happiness, I shall rejoice. I promise you that I will please you always with sweet words and take care of the family and children and you shall love me alone as your wife.


Step 3. Groom: My beloved, now you have walked three steps with me. By virtue of this, our wealth and prosperity are bound to grow. I shall look upon all other women as my sisters. Together, we will educate our children and may they live long.

Step 3. Bride: My lord, I will love you with single minded devotion as my husband. I will treat all other men as my brothers. My devotion to you is of a chaste wife and you are my joy. This is my commitment and pledge to you.

Step 4. Groom: My beloved, it is a great blessing that you have walked four steps with me. You have brought auspiciousness and sacredness into my life. May we be blessed with obedient and noble children. May they be blessed with long life.

Step 4. Bride: My lord, I will decorate you from your feet up with flowers, garlands and anoint you with sandal wood paste and fragrance. I will serve you and please you in every way.

Step 5. Groom: My beloved, now that you have walked the five steps with me, you have enriched my life. May God bless you. May our loved ones live long and share in our prosperity.

Step 5. Bride: My lord, I share both in your joys and sorrows. Your love will make me trust and honor you. I will carry out your wishes.

Step 6. Groom: My beloved, you have filled my heart with happiness by walking six steps with me. May you fill my heart with great joy and peace from time to time.

Step 6. Bride: My lord, in all acts of righteousness, in material prosperity and in every form of enjoyment and divine acts, I promise you that I shall participate and shall always be with you.

Step 7. Groom: My beloved, as you walked the seven steps with me, our Love and friendship became eternal. We experienced spiritual union in God. Now you have become completely mine and I offer my life to you. Our marriage will be for ever.

Step 7. Bride: My lord, as per the law of God and the Holy scriptures [Vedas] I have become your spouse. Whatever promises we gave, we have spoken with pure mind. We will be truthful to each other in all things. We will love each other for ever.

After these seven steps, the marriage becomes legal by Hindu law codes [Manu 8.227].

Then, they both say: "Now let us make a vow together. We shall share the same food, share the strengths, the same tastes. We shall be of one mind, we shall observe the vows together; I shall be the Sama, you the Rigveda; I shall be upper world, you the earth; I shall be the Sukhilam. you the Holder; Together we shall live and beget children, and other riches. Come thou, Oh, sweet-worded girl."

 The correct method of putting Sindhur by bridegroom, in the hair parting (Maang) of Bride.

कामाख्या ( कामिया ) सिंदूर का महत्व

Kamiya Sindoor Importance माँ सती के सबसे जाग्रत शक्तिपीठो में से एक है कामाख्या शक्तिपीठ (Kamakhya Shaktipeeth ) जहा सती की योनी गिरी थी | यह मंदिर असम की राजधानी गुवाहाटी 8 किमी की दुरी पर नीलांचल पर्वत पर बना हुआ है |

इस मंदिर को तंत्र साधना का मुख्य पीठ बताया जाता है | इस मंदिर में माँ की मूर्ति की नही बल्कि  योनी रूपी पत्थर की पूजा की जाती है |

इस मंदिर का सबसे बड़ा चमत्कार यह है की हर साल 3 दिन के लिए इस मंदिर में लगी योनी मूर्ति से रजस्व होता है | यह कामाख्या का सिंदूर कहलाता है जो अनेको शक्तियों से युक्त होता है | 3 दिन के लिए यह मंदिर पूरी तरह बंद होता है | उसके बाद इस सिंदूर को भक्तो में बांटा जाता है | यह सिंदूर वशीकरण, जादू-टोना, गृह-कलेश, कारोबार में बाधा, विवाह या प्रेम की समस्या या दूसरी तरह की भूत-प्रेत बाधा की समस्याओं को दूर करता है |

इस सिंदूर को चांदी की डिब्बी में रखकर निचे दिए गये मंत्र का 108 बार जप करना चाहिए | ऐसा करने से यह सिंदूर और भी अधिक जाग्रत हो जाता है |

कामाख्याये वरदे देवी नीलपावर्ता वासिनी! त्व देवी जगत माता योनिमुद्रे नमोस्तुते!!

इस सिंदूर में देवी माँ सती की कृपा रहती है तो आपकी सभी मनोकामनाओ की पूर्ति करने में सक्षम है |

कैसे करे इस मंत्र का प्रयोग

किसी कार्य की सिद्धि के लिए इस मंत्र को चुटकी में ले और फिर 11 या 21 बार निचे दिए मंत्र का जप करे

कामाख्याम कामसम्पन्ना कामेश्वरी हरप्रिया द्य

कमाना देहि में नित्य कामेश्वरी नमोस्तुते द्यद्य

फिर माँ कामाख्या से विनती करे की उक्त कार्य में आपको सफलता दिलाये |



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भगवान कार्तिकेय की पूजा*Subrahmanya, known as Guru Kartikeya

 भगवान कार्तिकेय की पूजा*Subrahmanya, known as Guru Kartikeya.