Monday, November 23, 2020

Sri Melmalayanur Angala Parameswary Amman*प्रत्यङ्गिरा*Pratyangira

 Sri Melmalayanur Angala Parameswary Amman


Melmalaiyanur | Viluppuram District, Govt of Tamil Nadu | India


Angala Parameswari Temple is a Hindu temple located in Royapuram in the northern part of Chennai, India. The presiding deity is the goddess Angala Parameswari. There are shrines to Kasi Viswanatha, Visalakshi, Vinayaka, Bhairava, Navagrahas, Durga, etc. The temple is administered by the Ministry of Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments, Government of Tamil Nadu. The temple is one of the five holy shrines of the Viswakarma community in Chennai district.








Angalamman is very important to achieve the blessings of Mariamman .The 10 mahavidyas are basic to achieving Siddhi ,be it for married bliss or powerful Kundalini Shakti.

Mahasakthi Mariamman



Sri Angala Parameswari temple.



Angala Parameswari is a 2002 Tamil religious film starring Meena Durairaj and others.


Mahavidyas (Great Wisdoms) or Dasha-Mahavidyas are a group of ten aspects of the Divine Mother or Kali herself or Devi in Hinduism. The 10 Mahavidyas are Wisdom Goddesses, who represent a spectrum of feminine divinity, from horrific goddesses at one end, to the gentle at the other.


The development of Mahavidyas represents an important turning point in the history of Shaktism as it marks the rise of Bhakti aspect in Shaktism, which reached its zenith in 1700 CE. First sprung forth in the post-Puranic age, around 6th century C.E., it was a new theistic movement in which the supreme being was envisioned as female. A fact epitomized by texts like Devi-Bhagavata Purana, especially its last nine chapters (31-40) of the seventh skandha, which are known as the Devi Gita, and soon became central texts of Shaktism.







Prathyangira (Sanskrit: प्रत्यङ्गिरा, Tamil: பிரத்யங்கிரா; Prathyaṅgirā), also called Atharvana Bhadrakali is a Hindu Goddess associated with Shakti. She is described as a goddess with a male lion’s face and a female human body representing the union of Shiva and Shakti. She holds the combined destructive power of Shiva and Shakti. This combination of lion and human forms represents the balance of good and evil. In Shaktism, Pratyangira is Siddhilakshmi, a form of Guhya Kali.In Durga tradition, Pratyangira is Purna Chandi, the fiery destructive power of Brahman. In the Vedas, Pratyangira is Atharvana Bhadrakali, the goddess of Atharva Veda and magical spells.
Pratyangira is one of the chief warrior goddess of Lalita Tripura Sundari's army called Sakthi Sena. Adi Parasakthi at an earlier time during the war between her and Bhandasura gave two boons to Pratyangira that the protection offered by Pratyangira is invincible and no god even Adi Parasakthi herself cannot overcome it. Also when invoked for offensive purposes Pratyangira give invincibility and sure victory to her devotee. Thus Pratyangira is a very popular deity among the Kshatriyas warrior caste. She is often described as the ultimate Goddess to be worshipped for defensive and offensive power.


Tantra classifies deities as Shanta (calm), Ugra (wrathful), Prachanda (horrifying), Ghora (terrifying) and Teevra (ferocious). Pratyangira is considered as a teevra murti. Pratyangira worship is strictly prohibited for people who have namesake Bhakti. Pratyangira worship is only done by the guidance of a Guru who is proficient in Tantra.

Worships dedicated to Pratyangira is performed at many places for the welfare of the people and for eliminating the influences of evil forces. In some temples Pratyangira Devi Homam (Havan) is performed on days of Amavasya.


Like all Tantric deities, she can be invoked for the eight kinds of acts usually performed. They are appealing, growth, increasing, attracting, subduing, dissention repealing and killing. Detailed information is found as to what kind of materials are to be used for the respective aim, and the number of recitations to be performed. It is further said that any act performed invoking this deity, especially the bad ones like killing and subduing, it is impossible to retract it even when the doer wishes.


The Pratyangira yantra.

Kesar Asthagandha is used during Puja ceremonies for applying on foreheads, rituals, bathing of Deity Idols, Yantras, Rudraksh Beads, Malas and Shaligram shilas. Asthagandha is a holy mixture of 8 different items: Golochan, Kapoor- Brass, Haldi, Kesar, Kapoor Kachli, Itra Muske Ambar;Naag Kesar, kumkum.

Vedic talismans (yantras) are written on Bhojapatra or Onion skin with a special link. This ink is made of Ashtagandha herbs, 24 karat gold dust and water from the Ganges. It is said that the fragrance of Ashtagandha used to continuously emanate from Lord Krishna. Its fragrance is believed to attract Gods and get their blessings. It is a divine Sadhana article used in bathing Gods and for anointing energy objects.

Ashtagandha is a holy fragrance which used to emanate from Lord Krishna. This is the fragrance one encounters on a visit to the temple, a fragrance one associates with holiness, purity and positivity. Application by devotees on forehead, neck and chest builds holiness, calmness and soothes the heart and mind. Also recommended for heart patients. Ashtagandha Used is a used in Shodashopchar Pooja of deities Ashtagandha is SANSKRIT word.    Ashta =Eight, Gandh=fragrance.

Applying chandan on the point, has the following benefits:
Improves focus and concentration
Spiritual guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar often talks about the third eye being associated with awareness and alertness. According to him, applying sandalwood paste on your forehead can stimulate your attention and helps you focus better. The cooling sandalwood can also have a significant effect on your body and mind.
Relieves headache
In Chinese acupressure sciences, the area between the eyebrows is considered to be a converging point of nerves, and a massage on it is believed to ease headaches. So, applying chandan on your forehead helps in cooling the nerves and relieving a headache caused because of excessive sun exposure. Here are some more Benefits of Ashtagandha Tilak
Keeps you positive
The third eye represents your subconscious mind and various thought processes. Negative energy in the form of negative thoughts enters your body through this chakra. When you apply chandan, you block the negative energy from entering the body.
Relieves insomnia and stress
The most common reason for insomnia is an overactive mind, mental stress and fatigue. Ayurveda believes massaging this spot with chandan can relieve stress and insomnia.
Has a cooling effect on your body
The ‘magic’ ingredient, chandan, or sandalwood is popular for its cooling properties. It not only benefits the skin but also cools the nerves below it. In a hot tropic country like India, applying sandalwood on your forehead can help cool your entire system.
Ashtagandha is used for various pooja and for use as a tilak on the forehead it is made up of eight different pure and sacred materials. The fragrance of Ashtagandha has religious significance & is Considered a fragrance one associates with holiness, purity and positivity. Chandan is an integral part of the daily pooja process, rituals and ceremonies to decorate the icons of the Deities. It is also used by Devotees who apply it to the forehead or the neck and chest.
Ashtagandha is used during puja ceremonies for applying on foreheads of devotees and also for offering to Deity idols, Divine Yantras, Rudraksha Beads and Shaligram shilas.
Ashthagandha is a holy mixture of 8 different items: Golochan, Kapoor- Brass, Haldi, Kesar, Kapoor Kachli, Itra Muske Ambar, Naag Kesar and kumkum. It is said that the fragrance of Ashtagandha used to continuously emanate from Lord Krishna. This fragrance calms the senses, uplifts the spirits and is believed to attract divine energies for their blessings. Each of these natural ingredients are carefully selected, and combined with Gangajal to achieve an everlasting fragrance.
Ashta Gandha in KulArnava Tantram:
Trigandham shAntike proktam pancha gandhancha vashyake |
Sarva kAryed ashtagandham krure chAshtavishAni ||
In ShAnti Karmas, TriGandha is prescribed to be used; in Vashikarana Pancha Gandha; in all Karmas Ashta Gandha is prescribed and in Krura Karmas Ashta Vishas (the eight poisons) are to be used.
KulArnava Tantram 16.46
1. अष्टगंध को 8 तरह की जड़ी या सुगंध से मिलाकर बनाया जाता है। अष्टगन्ध में आठ पदार्थ होते हैं- कुंकुम, अगर, कस्तुरी, चन्द्रभाग, त्रिपुरा, गोरोचन, तमाल, जल आदि। यही आठ पदार्थ सभी ग्रहों को शांत कर देते हैं। इसके इस्तेमाल से ग्रहों के दुष्प्रभाव दूर हो जाते हैं।
2. इसका घर में इस्तेमाल होते रहने से चमत्कारिक रूप से मानसिक शांति मिलती है। मन से तनाव हट जाता है।
3. अष्टगंध की सुगंध में श्री लक्ष्मी जी को रिझाने का विलक्षण गुण होता है।
4. अष्टगंध के प्रयोग घर का वास्तुदोष भी दूर हो जाता है।
5. तिलक के रूप में अष्टगंध का उपयोग करने से वशीकरण होता है और ग्रह दोष शांत हो जाते हैं। अष्टगंध का तिलक कनिष्ठा अंगुली से लगाएं।
अन्य जानकारी :
कर्मकांड एवं यन्त्र लेखन में अष्टगंध का प्रयोग होता है।
अष्टगंध 2 प्रकार का होता है- पहला वैष्णव और दूसरा शैव। यह प्रकार इसके मिश्रण के अनुसार है।
शैव अष्टगंध :
कुंकुमागुरुकस्तूरी चंद्रभागै: समीकृतै।
त्रिपुरप्रीतिदो गंधस्तथा चाण्डाश्व शम्भुना।।- कालिका पुराण
कुंकु, अगुरु, कस्तूरी, चंद्रभाग, गोरोचन, तमाल और जल को समान रूप में मिलाकर बनाया जाता है।
वैष्णव अष्टगंध :
जटामांसीमुरमिति विषणोर्गन्धाष्टकं बिन्दु।।- कालिका पुराण
चंदन, अगुरु, ह्रीवेर, कुष्ट, कुंकुम, सेव्यका, जटामांसी और मुर को मिलाकर बनाया जाता है।
गंधाष्टक या अष्टगंध आठ गंधद्रव्यों के मिलाने से बना हुआ एक संयुक्त गंध है जो पूजा में चढ़ाने और यंत्रादि लिखने के काम में आता है।
तंत्र के अनुसार भिन्न-भिन्न देवताओं के लिये भिन्न-भिन्न गंधाष्टक का विधान पाया जाता है। तंत्र में पंचदेव (गणेश, विष्णु, शिव, दुर्गा, सूर्य) प्रधान हैं, उन्हीं के अंतर्गत सब देवता माने गए हैं; अतः गंधाष्टक भी पाँच यही हैं।
शक्ति के लिये-
चंदन, अगर, कपूर, चोर, कुंकुम, रोचन, जटामासी, कपि
विष्णु के लिये-
चंदन, अगर, ह्रीवेर, कुट, कुंकुम, उशीर, जटामासी और मुर;
शिव के लिये-
चंदन, अगर, कपूर, तमाल, जल, कुंकुम, कुशीद, कुष्ट;
गणेश के लिये-
चंदन, चोर, अगर, मृग और मृगी का मद, कस्तूरी, कपूर; अथवा
चंदन, अगर, कपूर, रोचन, कुंकुम, मद, रक्तचंदन, ह्रीवेर;
सूर्य के लिये-
जल, केसर, कुष्ठ, रक्तचंदन, चंदगन, उशीर, अगर, कपूर।
शास्त्रों में तीन प्रकार की अष्टगन्ध का वर्णन है, जोकि इस प्रकार है-
शारदातिलक के अनुसार अधोलिखति आठ पदार्थों को अष्टगन्ध के रूप में लिया जाता है-
चन्दन, अगर, कर्पूर, तमाल, जल, कंकुम, कुशीत, कुष्ठ।
यह अष्टगन्ध शैव सम्प्रदाय वालों को ही प्रिय होती है।
दूसरे प्रकार की अष्टगन्ध में अधोलिखित आठ पदार्थ होते हैं-
कुंकुम, अगर, कस्तुरी, चन्द्रभाग, त्रिपुरा, गोरोचन, तमाल, जल आदि।
यह अष्टगन्ध शाक्त व शैव दोनों सम्प्रदाय वालों को प्रिय है।
वैष्णव अष्टगन्ध के रूप में इन आठ पदार्थ को प्रिय मानते है-
चन्दन, अगर, ह्रीवेर, कुष्ठ, कुंकुम, सेव्यका, जटामांसी, मुर।
अन्य मत से अष्टगन्ध के रूप में निम्न आठ पदार्थों को भी मानते हैं-
अगर, तगर, केशर, गौरोचन, कस्तूरी, कुंकुम, लालचन्दन, सफेद चन्दन।
ये पदार्थ भली-भांति पिसे हुए, कपड़छान किए हुए, अग्नि द्वारा भस्म बनाए हुए और जल के साथ मिलाकर अच्छी तरह घुटे हुए होने चाहिए।

खासतौर पर मकर और कुंभ राशि के जातकों के लिए भस्म और अष्टगंध का तिलक विशेष फलदायी होता है।


मकर राशि और कुंभ राशि का स्वामी भी शनि है। तत्व वायु है और देवता भी शिव ही हैं।


तिलक लगाने का मंत्र !!


केशवानन्न्त गोविन्द बाराह पुरुषोत्तम ।


पुण्यं यशस्यमायुष्यं तिलकं मे प्रसीदतु ।।


कान्ति लक्ष्मीं धृतिं सौख्यं सौभाग्यमतुलं बलम् ।


ददातु चन्दनं नित्यं सततं धारयाम्यहम् ।।


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भगवान कार्तिकेय की पूजा*Subrahmanya, known as Guru Kartikeya

 भगवान कार्तिकेय की पूजा*Subrahmanya, known as Guru Kartikeya.