Friday, September 25, 2020

ॐ श्री त्रिपुण्ड धारी * Om Shri Tripund Dhari * शिवा नमस्काराथा मंत्र - Shiva Namaskaratha Mantra

ॐ श्री त्रिपुण्ड धारी * Om Shri Tripund Dhari * शिवा नमस्काराथा मंत्र - Shiva Namaskaratha Mantra


Shiva applies 3 horizontal lines of ash or Vibhooti on His forehead.

These three lines represent

The 3 gunas namely Rajas, Tamas and Sattva.
Shiva is the three eyed God (Trinetra).
Shiva as the trikala_darshi ( who knows past , present and future ).

The three karmas , namely Sanchitta, Prarabdha and Agami. This shows that Shiva is beyond the 3 karmas. AND the devotees who do earnest prayers to Shiva too will be relieved from the 3 karmas , and thus attain Moksha / liberation.

Holy ash, also called ‘vibhuti’ or ‘bhasma’, protects man against all evil forces. It is used in tantra, mantra, black magic, etc., to guard the directions as self-protection.

The three horizontal stripes of ash on the forehead of Shiva
represent these three memories.
Human ash is applied to Jyotirlingas. This gives the message
that our physical body is not real, it is fake and it has to go.
The holy ash derived from the fireplace of an Agnihotri is
the purest one. Agnihotra people keep fire burning all the time during their
The ash obtained after the cremation of a corpse amidst
chanting of mantras is called human ash (Chitabhasm). In Varanasi,
the Jyotirling Vishveshwar is always smeared with human ash.
The first line is equated to Garhapatya (the sacred fire in a household kitchen), the A syllable of Om, the Rajas guna, the earth, the external Atman, Kriyā – the power of action, the Rigveda, the morning extraction of Soma, and Maheshvara.

 The allegorical significance of the "three ash lines", states Deussen, is that the tradition sees them as streaks of three Vedic fires, three audible syllables of AUM, three Guas, three worlds, three Atmans, three Vedas and three aspects of Shiva.

The second streak of ash is a reminder of Dakshinagni (the holy fire lighted in the South for ancestors), the sound U of Om, Sattva guna, the atmosphere, the inner Atman, Iccha – the power of will, the Yajurveda, midday Soma extraction, and Sadasiva.

The third streak is the Ahavaniya (the fire used for Homa), the M syllable in Om, the Tamas guna, Svarga – heaven, the Paramatman – the highest Atman (Brahman), the power of perception, the Samaveda, Soma extraction at dusk, and Shiva.

The "Tri" in the word Tripundra signifies the Triguna – Satva, Raja and Tama; Triloka – Bhuhu, Bhuvaha, Suvaha; Tritapa – Bbhoutika, Daivika, Adhyatmika. Tripundra is also called as Bhasma or Vibhuti. Tripundra also signifies Prana or life force and the three responsibilities performed by Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva respectively. Brahma represents Creation, Vishnu denotes Sustenance and Shiva connotes Destruction. Thus Tripundra symbolises Holy Trinity of Hindu Gods Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
Tripundra Applying Tripundra on the forehead is termed as "Bhasma dharana". The word Bhasma means calcined ash. Those who wear Tripundra on their forehead, often recite the mantras of the Lord while remembering its spiritual meaning and it is not just a sign of culture or identification.

शिवा नमस्काराथा मंत्र - Shiva Namaskaratha Mantra

नमो हिरण्यबाहवे हिरण्यवर्णाय हिरण्यरूपाय हिरण्यपतए अंबिका पतए उमा पतए पशूपतए नमो नमः

ईशान सर्वविद्यानाम् ईश्वर सर्व भूतानाम् ब्रह्मादीपते ब्रह्मनोदिपते ब्रह्मा शिवो अस्तु सदा शिवोहम

तत्पुरुषाय विद्महे वागविशुद्धाय धिमहे तन्नो शिव प्रचोदयात्
महादेवाय विद्महे रुद्रमूर्तये धिमहे तन्नों शिव प्रचोदयात्

नमस्ते अस्तु भगवान विश्वेश्वराय महादेवाय त्र्यंबकाय त्रिपुरान्तकाय त्रिकाग्नी कालाय कालाग्नी रुद्राय नीलकंठाय मृत्युंजयाय सर्वेश्वराय सदशिवाय श्रीमान महादेवाय नमः

श्रीमान महादेवाय नमः

शांति शांति शांति
Lord Shiva Namaskaratha Mantra is one of famous mantra used to get blessing from God Shiva. It is very beautiful, audio of it is such that it recited in mind many times after listening.

It is great mantra which glorify Omnipresence, all knowledgable Mahadev, Lord of death. Mantra is also known as Lord Shiva Most Powerful Mantra. It’s beginning is by “Om Namo Hiranyabahave”, means I bow to one who has golden hands.

Lyrics in English

Om namo hiranyabahavey hiranyabaranaaya hiranyaroopaya ambika patayam uma pataye Pashupataye namo namah
Yishanasarva vidhyana Yishwarasarva Bhootanaam Brahmadipataye Bramhnodipate Brahma Shivone Ashtusada Shivoom

Tatpurushaya vidmahe vagvishudhaaya dhimahe Tano Shiva Prachodayate

Mahadevaaya Vidmahe Rudramoortaye  Dhimahi Tanno Shiva Prachodayate

Namaste Astu Bhagwan Vishweshwaraya Mahadevaaya Trayambakaya Tripurantakaya Trikagni Kalaaya Kalagni Rudraya Nilakanthay Mrityunjayaya Sarveshwaraya Sadashivaya Shriman Mahadevaaya Namaha
Shriman Mahadevaaya Namaha

Shanti Shanti Shanti

Namaskaratha Mantra(from Rigveda)

Rudra Shiva's Namaskaratha Mantra.

Namaskaratha Mantra combines 3 mantras: Om Namo Hiranyagarbaya Mantra,
Ishaan Mantra, Shiva Gayatri Mantra or Tatpurush

Namaskaratha Mantra [Hymn to Lord Shiva]

OM Namo Hiranya-bahave Hiranya-varayaya Hiranya-roopaya Hiranya-pataye
Ambikapataya Umapataye Pashupataye Namo Namah

I trust in divine essence, eternal nature, to form immortal, eternal Lord,
Lord Parvati and Uma, Lord of wild animals, I submit myself to you.
Ohm. I bow my head and count with my whole heart the Divine Essence, Eternal
Nature, Immortal form, the Eternal Lord, Lord Parvati and the Minds, Lord of
wild animals [Nature], I grant myself to you.

Ishaan Mantra:
Ishaana Sarvavidyanam
Ishvara Sarvabhutanam
Brahmadhipati Brahmanodhipati Brahma Shivo Me Astu Sadashivoham

Lord of knowledge,
Lord of all that exists,
Lord of Brahman, the Lord of Brahman, the Lord of Brahman
, I am the eternal Spirit,
Lord of knowledge
, that is, the
Supreme Lord, the Lord of Absolute Knowledge, the Omnipresent Universal Spirit,
I am Shiva, I am the eternal Shiva

Shiva Gayatri Mantra or Tatpurush:

OM Tatpurushaya Vidmahe Vakvishudhaya Dhimahi
Tanno Shiva Prachodayat
OM Mahadevaya Vidmahe Rudramurthaye Dhimahi Tanno Shiva Prachodayat.
Namaste Astu Bhagavan Vishveshvaraya Mahadevaya Tryambakaya Tripurantakaya
Trikagni Kalaya Kalagnirudraya Neelakanthaya Mrutyunjayaya Sarveshvaraya
Sadashivaya Shriman Mahadevaya Namah

Greetings, I bow down and seek shelter at the feet of the Lord, the Creator and Lord of the
Universe, the
Greatest of the Gods, Having the three eyes of the
Destroyer of the Three Fires of the
Lord of Time, Agni, Rudra
Sineshego, Lord of all things, the Primordial Eternal
Sriman Mahadevaya Namah: the benevolent greeting of the Great Lord

OM Shanti Shanti Shantihi.

Shiva meaning “The Auspicious One” is one of the three major deities of Hinduism. He is worshiped as the Supreme God within Shaivism, one of the three most influential denominations in contemporary Hinduism and is also called “the Creator, the Preserver, the Transformer and the Destroyer”.

At the highest level, Shiva is regarded as formless, limitless, transcendent, and unchanging.

Shiva has many benevolent and fearsome depictions.

In benevolent aspects, he is depicted as an omniscient Yogi who lives an ascetic life on Mount Kailash, as well as a householder with wife Parvati and his two children, Ganesha and Kartikeya.
In his fierce aspects, he is often depicted slaying demons.
Shiva is also regarded as the patron god of yoga,meditation, and arts. Shiva is known by several names – Mahadeva, Pashupati, Bhairava, Vishwanath, Bhole Nath, Shambhu and Shankar. Shiva is the cosmic dancer and also known as Nataraja, the Lord of Dancers. Hindus recognize Lord Shiva by putting His shrine in the temple separate from those of other deities in the form of Shivling.

Shiva Mantra essentially helps in eliminating enemies from the path and hence it is also called the Raktha Kavach Mantra. Chanting of Shiva mantra on Chaturdashi is considered very effective and auspicious. Regular chanting of Shiva mantra attracts success and prosperity in all walks of life.

Rosary to be used : Rudraksha Mala

Flowers to be used : Swet pushp , Kala Til

Total Number of Recitation : 1,25,000

Best Time : Subh nakchtra , Subh tithi , Chandramavali , Shiv vash

Chanting of Shiva Mantras is a centuries old technique for attaining inner peace and bliss.The Mantras address to Tryambaka, “the three-eyed one”, an epithet of Rudra who was later identified with Shiva. They are said to create divine vibrations which help connecting one to pure consciousness and also remove the fear of death and other negative thoughts from the heart.

There are many types of Shiva Mantras; each serving it’s own purpose.

Shiva Panchakshari Mantra

Panchakshari means having five syllables. Five is a sacred number for Shiva. One of His most important mantras is – Om Namah Shivaya, otherwise called the Shiva Moola Mantra has five syllables.

नमः शिवाय

Om Namah Shivaya |

Meaning : ‘I bow to Shiva. Shiva is the supreme reality, the inner Self. It is the name given to consciousness that dwells in all.’

Benefit : Proper recitation of this Mantra rejuvenates and bestows one with health, wealth, long life, peace, prosperity and contentment.

Rudra Mantra

This is known as Rudra mantra. Rudra Mantra is recited to get blessing of Lord Shiva. It is considered effective for the fulfilment of one’s wishes.

नमो भगवते रूद्राय

Om Namo Bhagwate Rudraay |

Shiva Gayatri Mantra

तत्पुरुषाय विद्महे महादेवाय धीमहि तन्नो रुद्रः प्रचोदयात

Om Tatpurushaay Vidmahe Vidmahe Mahadevaay Deemahi Tanno Rudrah Prachodayat |

Meaning : ‘Om, Let me meditate on the great Purusha, Oh, greatest God, give me higher intellect, and let God Rudra illuminate my mind.’

Benefit : One can recite thi Shiva Mantra with utmost sincerity to discover the happiness and divinity that′s already within.

Shiv Dhyan Mantra

करचरणकृतं वाक् कायजं कर्मजं वा श्रवणनयनजं वा मानसंवापराधं
विहितं विहितं वा सर्व मेतत् क्षमस्व जय जय करुणाब्धे श्री महादेव शम्भो

Karcharankritam Vaa Kaayjam Karmjam Vaa Shravannayanjam Vaa Maansam Vaa Paradham |
Vihitam Vihitam Vaa Sarv Metat Kshamasva Jay Jay Karunaabdhe Shree Mahadev Shambho ||

Meaning : Ode to the Supreme One to cleanse the body, mind and soul of all the stress, rejection, failure, depression and other negative forces that one faces.

Benefit : Divine vibrations that are generated during the chanting of this mantra ward off all the negative and evil forces and create a powerful protective shield against diseases, sorrows, fears etc.

Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra

त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम्
उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान्मृत्योर्मुक्षीय माऽमृतात्

Om Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti-Vardhanam
Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityormukshiya Mamritat

Meaning : ‘We worship the Three-eyed Lord who is fragrant and who nourishes and nurtures all beings. As is the ripened cucumber is freed from its bondage, may He liberate us from death for the sake of immortality.’

Benefit : This mantra is addressed to Lord Shiva for warding off untimely death. It is also chanted while smearing Vibhuti over various parts of the body and utilized in Japa or Homa to get desired results.

Shiva Mantra

मृत्युञ्जयाय रुद्राय नीलकन्ताय शंभवे
अमृतेषाय सर्वाय महादेवाय ते नमः

“Mrutyunjayaaya Rudraaya Neelakantaya Shambhave
Amriteshaaya Sarvaaya Mahadevaaya Te Namaha”

Meaning : ‘Oh Lord Shiva, you are the one who has conquered death and are responsible for destruction of the Universe to let life again prevail on earth. Oh lord, you are Neelkantha as you have a blue throat. We pay obeisance to you lord with are hands folded in namaskar.’

Benefit : This Shiva Mantra has the power to dispel fear and boost a person’s inner potential and strength.

Thus, we can see that Shiva Mantra has the power to boost a person’s inner potential and strength. He is the power behind all the mantras.
Shiva Mantra invokes the Shiva Tattva to immobilize, annihilate and eliminate the enemies from one’s path. Shiva Mantra is also called the ‘Raksha Kavach Mantra’ as it protects one from dangers, threats and enemies. Chanting of Shiva mantra on Chaturdashi is considered very effective and auspicious. Regular chanting of Shiva mantra in a fresh and peaceful environment attracts success and prosperity in all walks of life.

We can, hence, see that Shiva is the lord of ‘Immortality’; He is the One who has conquered Death. The very utterance of his name rejuvenates the mind, body and soul. Shiva Mantras have tremendous healing power. They have the power to fulfill one’s desire and can be also used for attainment of the ultimate liberation – Moksha.

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भगवान कार्तिकेय की पूजा*Subrahmanya, known as Guru Kartikeya

 भगवान कार्तिकेय की पूजा*Subrahmanya, known as Guru Kartikeya.