Monday, September 14, 2020

Shiva Ashtakam * श्री शिवाष्टकम् * श्रीरुद्राष्टकं ( तुलसीदास )

Shiva Ashtakam * श्री शिवाष्टकम् * श्रीरुद्राष्टकं ( तुलसीदास ) 

Prabhum Prananatham Vibhum is one of the most famous Ashtakam of Lord Shiva. This famous Ashtakam is recited on most occasions related to Lord Shiva.

[The octet on Shiva]
By Adi Shankara Bhagawat Pada

This Shivashtakam sings the glory of Shiva as the Lord of Universe, the Lord of time and Lord of all also explains the importance of Shiva Puja. The ninth stanza describes the benefits of chanting or singing this prayer.

अथ श्री शिवाष्टकम्

प्रभुं प्राणनाथं विभुं विश्वनाथं जगन्नाथ नाथं सदानन्द भाजाम्।
भवद्भव्य भूतेश्वरं भूतनाथं,शिवं शङ्करं शम्भु मीशानमीड॥१॥

गले रुण्डमालं तनौ सर्पजालंमहाकाल कालं गणेशादि पालम्।
जटाजूट गङ्गोत्तरङ्गै र्विशालं,शिवं शङ्करं शम्भु मीशानमीडे॥२॥

मुदामाकरं मण्डनं मण्डयन्तंमहा मण्डलं भस्म भूषाधरं तम्।
अनादिं ह्यपारं महा मोहमारं,शिवं शङ्करं शम्भु मीशानमीडे॥३॥

वटाधो निवासं महाट्टाट्टहासंमहापाप नाशं सदा सुप्रकाशम्।
गिरीशं गणेशं सुरेशं महेशं,शिवं शङ्करं शम्भु मीशानमीडे॥४॥

गिरीन्द्रात्मजा सङ्गृहीतार्धदेहंगिरौ संस्थितं सर्वदापन्न गेहम्।
परब्रह्म ब्रह्मादिभिर्-वन्द्यमानं,शिवं शङ्करं शम्भु मीशानमीडे॥५॥

कपालं त्रिशूलं कराभ्यां दधानपदाम्भोज नम्राय कामं ददानम्।
बलीवर्धमानं सुराणां प्रधानं,शिवं शङ्करं शम्भु मीशानमीडे॥६॥

शरच्चन्द्र गात्रं गणानन्दपात्रंत्रिनेत्रं पवित्रं धनेशस्य मित्रम्।
अपर्णा कलत्रं सदा सच्चरित्रं,शिवं शङ्करं शम्भु मीशानमीडे॥७॥

हरं सर्पहारं चिता भूविहारंभवं वेदसारं सदा निर्विकारं।
श्मशाने वसन्तं मनोजं दहन्तं,शिवं शङ्करं शम्भु मीशानमीडे॥८॥

स्वयं यः प्रभाते नरश्शूल पाणेपठेत् स्तोत्ररत्नं त्विहप्राप्यरत्नम्।
सुपुत्रं सुधान्यं सुमित्रं कलत्रंविचित्रैस्समाराध्य मोक्षं प्रयाति॥

इति श्रीशिवाष्टकं सम्पूर्णम्

 S. P. Balasubrahmanyam Shivashtakam

Shiva Family


Prabhum prananatham vibhum vishvanatham
jagannathanatham sadanandabhajamh
Bhavadbhavyabhuteshvaram bhutanatham
shivamshankaram shambhumishanamide 1

I pray You, Śiva, Śańkara, Śambhu, Who is the Lord, Who is the Lord of our lives, Who is Vibhu, Who is the Lord of the world, Who is the Lord of Viṣṇu (Jagannātha), Who is always dwelling in happiness, Who imparts light or shine to everything, Who is the Lord of living beings, Who is the Lord of ghosts, and Who is the Lord of everyone.||1||

Gale rundamalam tanau sarpajalam
mahakalakalam ganeshadhipalamh
Jatajutabhangottarangairvishalam shivam
shankaram shambhumishanamide 2

I pray You, Śiva, Śańkara, Śambhu, Who has a garland of skull around the neck, Who has a net of snakes around His body, Who is the destroyer of the immense-destroyer Kāla, Who is the lord of Gaeśa, Whose matted-hair are spread-out by the presence of the waves of Gańgā falling on His head, and Who is the Lord of everyone.||2||

Mudamakaram mandanam mandayantam
mahamandala bhasmabhushhadharamtam
Anadihyaparam mahamohaharam
shivam shankaram shambhumishanamide 3

I pray You, Śiva, Śańkara, Śambhu, Who scatters happiness [in the world], Who is ornating the universe, Who is the immense universe Himself, Who is possessing the adornment of ashes, Who is without a beginning, Who is without a measure, Who removes the greatest attachments, and Who is the Lord of everyone.||3||

Vatadho nivasam mahattattahasam
mahapapanasham sadasuprakashamh
Girishamganesham sureshammahesham
shivamshankaram shambhumishanamide 4

I pray You, Śiva, Śańkara, Śambhu, Who resides below a Vaa (Banyan) tree, Who possesses an immense laughter, Who destroys the greatest sins, Who is always resplendent, Who is the Lord of Himālaya, various tormentor-groups (Gaa) and the demi-gods, Who is the great Lord, and Who is the Lord of everyone.||4||

girau sansthitam sarvada sannageham
shivam shankaram shambhumishanamide 5

I pray You, Śiva, Śańkara, Śambhu, Who shares half of His body with the daughter of Himālaya¹, Who is situated in a mountain (Kailāsa), Who is always a resort for the depressed, Who is the Ātman, Who is reverred by (or Who is worthy of reverence by) Brahma and others, and Who is the Lord of everyone.||5||

Kapalam trishulam karabhyam dadhanam
padambhojanamraya kamam dadanam
Balivardayanam suranam pradhanam
shivam shankaram shambhumishanamide 6

I pray You, Śiva, Śańkara, Śambhu, Who holds a skull and a trident in the hands, Who endows the desires of those who are humble to His lotus-feet, Who uses an Ox as a vehicle², Who is supreme and above various demi-gods, and Who is the Lord of everyone.||6||

Sharachchandragatram gunananda patram
trinetram pavitram dhaneshasya mitram
Aparnakalatram charitram vichitram
shivam shankaram shambhumishanamide 7

I pray You, Śiva, Śańkara, Śambhu, Who has a face like the Winter-moon, Who is the subject of happiness of Gaa (tormentor groups), Who has three eyes, Who is pure, Who is the friend of Kubera (controller of wealth), Who is the consort of Aparā (Pārvatī), Who has eternal characteristics, and Who is the Lord of everyone.||7||

Haramsarpaharam chitabhuviharam
bhavamvedasaram sadanirvikaram
Smashaanevadantam manojamdahantam
shivamshankaram shambhumishanamide 8

I pray You, Śiva, Śańkara, Śambhu, Who is known as Hara, Who has a garland of snakes, Who roams around the cremation grounds, Who is the universe, Who is the summary of the Veda (or the One discussed by Veda), Who is always dispassionate, Who is living in the cremation grounds, Who is burning desires born in the mind, and Who is the Lord of everyone.||8|

Stavam yah prabhate narah shulapane
patheth stotraratnam vhaprapyaratnam
Sputram sudhyanam sumitram kalatram
vichitrai samaradya moksham prayati 9

Those who chant this prayer every morning with effulgence and emotions for Trident-holding Śiva, achieve Moka, after having attained a dutiful son, wealth, friends, wife, and a colorful life.||9||

Om Namah Shivaya

शिवाष्टकम् - तस्मै नमः परमकारणकारणाय
Shivashtakam: Tasmai Namah Parama Karana Karanaya

तस्मै नमः परमकारणकारणाय
ब्रह्मेन्द्रविष्णुवरदाय नमशिवाय ॥१॥

Thasmai nama parama karana karanaya,
Deepthojjwalitha pingala lochanaya,
Nagendra hara krutha kundala bhooshanaya,
Brahmendra Vishnu varadaya Nama Shivaya. 1

I salute that Shiva, who is the real cause of causes,
Who has reddish brown eyes which shine like light,
Who wears garlands and ear drops made of the king of snakes,
And who is the one who gives boons to Brahma and Vishnu.

लोकत्रयार्तिहरणाय नमः शिवाय ॥२॥

Srimath prasanna sasi pannaga bhooshanaya,
Shailendraja vadana chumbitha lochanaya,
Kailasa mandara mahendra nikethanaya,
Loka trayarthi haranaya nama shivaya. 2

I salute that Shiva, who always wears,
The clear moon and the snake as ornaments,
Whose eyes are kissed by the daughter of the mountain,
Who lives in the Kailasa peak and Mahendra mountain,
And who defeats the sorrow of the people of three worlds.

नीलाब्जकण्ठसदृशाय नमः शिवाय ॥३॥

Padmavadatha mani kundala govrushaya,
Krishnagaru prachura chandana charchithaya,
Basamanushaktha vikachothpala mallikaya,
Neelabhja kanda sadrusaya namashivaya. 3

I salute that Shiva, who has neck of the colour of blue lotus,
Who wears ear rings made of Padma raga, who rides on a bull,
Who applies fragrance of aloe and coats himself with plenty of sandal paste,
And who applies ash on his body and wears a garland of opened lotus flowers.

व्याघ्राजिनाम्बरधराय मनोहराय
त्रैलोक्यनाथनमिताय नमः शिवाय ॥४॥

Lambathsa pingala jata makutothkataya,
Damshtra karala vikatothkata bhairavaya,
Vyagara jinambaradharaya manoharaya,
Trilokya natha namithaya namashivaya. 4

I salute that Shiva who is saluted by lords of the three worlds,
Who has large matted crown of hair of reddish brown colour,
Who appears fierce and fearful due to his pointed teeth,
And who is very pretty wearing the hide of a tiger.

क्षिप्रं महात्रिपुरदानवघातनाय
योगाय योगनमिताय नमः शिवाय ॥५॥

Daksha prajapathi maha makha nasanaya,
Kshipram maha Tripura dhanava gathanaya,
Brahmorjithordhwaga karoti nikrunthanaya,
Yogaya, yoganamithaya namashivaya. 5

I salute that Shiva, who is yoga and is saluted by yogis,
Who destroyed fire sacrifice conducted by Daksha prajapathi,
Who quickly killed the great asura called Tripurasura,
And who cut off the fifth head of Brahma, who was proud

रक्षः पिशाचगणसिद्धसमाकुलाय
शार्दूलचर्मवसनाय नमः शिवाय ॥६॥

Samsara srushti ghatana parivarthanaya,
Raksha pisacha gana sidha samakulaya,
Sidhoragagraha ganendra nishevithaya,
Sardhoola charma vasanaya Nama Shivaya. 6

I salute that Shiva, who wears the skin of a tiger,
Who keeps on destroying and creating the world,
Who takes care of the different demons and crowds of sidhas,
And who is served by sidhas, serpents, planets and chiefs of ganas.

गोक्षीरधारधवलाय नमः शिवाय ॥७॥

Basmanga raga krutha roopa manoharaya,
Soumyaavadatha vanamasrithamasrithaya,
Gowri kataksha nayanardha nireekshnaya,
Go ksheera dhara davalaya nama shivaya. 7

I salute that Shiva, who is as white as a stream of cow’ss milk,
Who applies ash all over him but is bewitchingly handsome,
Who is the support for those pious people who take shelter in forests,
Who with half closed eyes sees the side long glance of Gowri.

ऋक्सामवेदमुनिभिः स्तुतिसंयुताय
गोपाय गोपनमिताय नमः शिवाय ॥८॥

Adithya Soma Varuna anila sevithaya,
Yagnagni hothra vara dhooma nikethanaya,
Rik sama veda munibhi sthuthi samyuthaya,
Gopaya gopa namithaa nama shivaya. 8

I salute that Shiva, who takes care of a bull and is venerated by it,
Who is served by Sun, moon, the god of rain and the god of fire,
Who lives in places sanctified by the smoke of fire sacrifices,
And who is sung by sages well learned in Rik and Sama Veda.

शिवाष्टकमिदं पुण्यं यः पठेच्छिवसन्निधौ
शिवलोकमवाप्नोति शिवेन सह मोदते ॥९॥

Shivashtakamidham punyam ya padeth shiva sannidhou,
Shivalokamapnothi shivena saha modhathe.

He who reads this octet on Shiva,
In front of the temple of Shiva,
Would reach the world of Shiva,
And would be happy along with Shiva.

Translated by P. R. Ramachander

Namameesha Meeshana Nirvana Roopam Vibhum Vyapakam Brahma veda swaroopam Nijam Nirgunam Nirvikalpma Nireeham Chid Akasha Akasha Vasam Bhajeham O The Lord of All That is Who is the Bliss of Self Resplended art Thou in Thy Form Omnipresent in all verities Of the Nature of Absolute Being With mighty Vedas as Thy Form Changeless, passionless, attributeless, To Thee who lives in the Sky of Consciousness To Thee, I bow ! Nirakara Omkara Moolam Thureeyam Giraajnana Gotheetha Meesham Gireesham Karalam Maha Kala Kalam Kripalam Gunakara Samsara Param Nathoham O Formless Absolute O Transcendence Personified The Root Cause of all sound Transcending senses, knowledge, tongue The Lord of the Himalayas O Destroyer of fierce Time Benevolent, the abode of qualities divine Transcending the Universe To Thee who lives in the Sky of Consciousness To Thee, I bow ! Thusharadri Sankasha Gauram Gabheeram Mano bhootha koti prabha sree sareeram Sphuran mouli kallolinee charuganga Prasadbhala balendu kante bhujanga O Beauty Absolute, as white as snow Who is Mind, who is Matter also Who is all human beings With splendor and wealth immense With shining forehead, bearing Ganges Who sports the Moon on his forehead Who is garlanded by snakes To Thee who lives in the Sky of Consciousness To Thee, I bow ! Chalat Kundalam Bhroosu Netram Vishalam Prasannanam Neelakantam Dayalam Mrigadheesha Charmambaram Munta malam Priyam Sankaram Sarva Nadham Bhajami I adore Thee, O Mighty Lord, Thy Third Eye is the Eye of Wisdom Who is massive and spread out With a pleasant, beatific face With a beautiful throat blue O benevolent Lord of the righteous Wearing a lion skin around the waist Who sportest a skull-cap garland To Thee who lives in the Sky of Consciousness To Thee, I bow ! Prachandam prakrishtam pragalbham paresham Akhandam ajam bhanu koti prakasham Trayah shoola nirmoolanam shoola panim Bhajeham Bhavanee pathim Bhava gamyam O Lord of the Divine Mother Immense, fierce, mature and brave Transcending everyone and all The Unborn, eternal Self Resplendent with the brilliance of millions of Suns Transcender of qualities triune ( Making us totally detached ) Accessible to the devotee divine To Thee who lives in the Sky of Consciousness To Thee, I bow ! Kala theetha Kalyana Kalpantha Karee Sada sajjanananda datha puraree Chidananda Sandhoha moha apaharee Praseeda Praseeda Prabho Manmadharee O Destroyer of lust demoniac Who is beyond Cosmological Cycles Auspicious and End of Universe The Endower of Bliss to the righteous O Destroyer of Pura O Bliss Eternal and Absolute O Destroyer of passions Six (Lust, greed, anger, avarice, jealousy, gluttony) To Thee who lives in the Sky of Consciousness To Thee, I bow ! Na yavad uma natha padaravindam Bhajantheeha loke Pare va Naranam Na thavat sukham santhi santhapa nasam Praseeda prabho sarva bhoothadivasam Those who do not adore Thee Never attain to Bliss Absolute In this world or the next Be happy with us O Lord Be happy with us mortals ! To Thee who lives in the Sky of Consciousness To Thee, I bow ! Na janami yogam japam naiva poojam Nathoham sada Sarvada sambhu thubhyam Jara janma dukhau dhatha thapya manam Prabho pahi apanna mameesha sambho I know not Yoga, Mantra or Tantra I only have Thee in mind Desiring only Thee I live Save me from Existential Sorrow The sorrow that result from birth Grief, sins, troubles, old age To Thee who lives in the Sky of Consciousness To Thee, I bow !

श्रीरुद्राष्टकं ( तुलसीदास ) नमामीशमीशान निर्वाणरूपं विभुं व्यापकं ब्रह्मवेदस्वरूपम् । निजं निर्गुणं निर्विकल्पं निरीहं चिदाकाशमाकाशवासं भजेऽहम् ॥ १॥ निराकारमोंकारमूलं तुरीयं गिरा ज्ञान गोतीतमीशं गिरीशम् । करालं महाकाल कालं कृपालं गुणागार संसारपारं नतोऽहम् ॥ २॥ तुषाराद्रि संकाश गौरं गभीरं मनोभूत कोटिप्रभा श्री शरीरम् । स्फुरन्मौलि कल्लोलिनी चारु गङ्गा लसद्भालबालेन्दु कण्ठे भुजङ्गा ॥ ३॥ चलत्कुण्डलं भ्रू सुनेत्रं विशालं प्रसन्नाननं नीलकण्ठं दयालम् । मृगाधीशचर्माम्बरं मुण्डमालं प्रियं शंकरं सर्वनाथं भजामि ॥ ४॥ प्रचण्डं प्रकृष्टं प्रगल्भं परेशं अखण्डं अजं भानुकोटिप्रकाशम् । त्रयः शूल निर्मूलनं शूलपाणिं भजेऽहं भवानीपतिं भावगम्यम् ॥ ५॥ कलातीत कल्याण कल्पान्तकारी सदा सज्जनानन्ददाता पुरारी । चिदानन्द संदोह मोहापहारी प्रसीद प्रसीद प्रभो मन्मथारी ॥ ६॥ न यावद् उमानाथपादारविन्दं भजन्तीह लोके परे वा नराणाम् । न तावत्सुखं शान्ति सन्तापनाशं प्रसीद प्रभो सर्वभूताधिवासम् ॥ ७॥ न जानामि योगं जपं नैव पूजां नतोऽहं सदा सर्वदा शम्भु तुभ्यम् । जरा जन्म दुःखौघ तातप्यमानं प्रभो पाहि आपन्नमामीश शम्भो ॥ ८॥ रुद्राष्टकमिदं प्रोक्तं विप्रेण हरतोषये । ये पठन्ति नरा भक्त्या तेषां शम्भुः प्रसीदति ॥ ॥ इति श्रीगोस्वामितुलसीदासकृतं श्रीरुद्राष्टकं सम्पूर्णम् ॥

 श्रीरुद्राष्टकं ( तुलसीदास )

Kardameshwar Mandir Rudrashtakam, Varanasi

Kardameshwar Mandir. first stop on the Panchkoshi parikrama.

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भगवान कार्तिकेय की पूजा*Subrahmanya, known as Guru Kartikeya

 भगवान कार्तिकेय की पूजा*Subrahmanya, known as Guru Kartikeya.